This story seems small and short, when in reality, it is full of love and a reflection of God’s mercy to us. We are like Mephibosheth, we receive our King’s grace and mercy every day. A great example of this incredible mercy was shared with us this week: Former Abortionist turned Pro-Life Advocate, Dr. Haywood Robinson, came to visit Seneca and shared his testimony with us. What a powerful story of redemption!
Read MoreGod wants to come into our lives and transform us into light-bearers, reflecting Him and His love to others. It’s not something we can do on our own. But through His forgiveness and grace, over time we become more like Jesus, and others will begin to feel His love through us."
Read MoreWhen we are outside reaching out to abortion-minded women speaking words of peace, love, and life, then unite in prayer for them, incredible things happen! On the very first day of the 40 Days for Life campaign, 4 out of 14 women (28%) accepted our offer to help. However, it is easy to feel helpless or discouraged when we see the rest of the mothers who are too hardened to accept our help and to hope. Yet, we must always remember that it doesn’t depend on US, it depends on GOD!
Read MoreA big portion of our clients are ALICE and that is why the material help we provide is so important. Little things like providing the diaper supply for the week make such a big impact in a household that is forced to make impossible choices each day. Data from the National Diaper Bank Network shows that 47% of families have to choose between diapers and food for their child.
Read MoreIt feels like we were just celebrating the new year and now here it comes - Valentine's month! This is a great time to reflect on the many avenues for love that the Lord offers us every day. At Seneca, we witness the true depths of love every day, from little acts of kindness to personal sacrifices in the form of time and financial gifts. We all link arms in this mission of love: "To make abortion unthinkable through prayer, intervention, and prevention."
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