First Fruits Friday - A Beautiful Event

Last Friday we had our Seneca moms’ monthly gathering called "Made Whole" which is part of our Case Management Program. 21 moms and their children came. We celebrated Valentine's month and the verse for the event was 1 John 4:9, “We love because He first loved us.” 

We were incredibly blessed to have the participation of a group of wonderful ladies from Cascade Hill Church, who came to love our moms and their children. We also had a very special guest speaker who talked about healthy relationships and we all had a beautiful time together. 

The message of the night was based on the Bible story known as the story of the Woman at the Well, and how Jesus met her where she was at and offered her nothing more than love, truth, and compassion.

Part of the message was, "We all have a hole in our heart. We try to fill this hole with things that we think will fill us, but only one thing truly can, and that’s because it’s a “God-shaped” hole, so only God can fill it.” This woman is tired of doing the same thing – trying to fill the void in her heart, yet coming up short every time. She’s been searching for her whole life, trying to fill that hole with relationships, with temporary happiness, but nothing has been everlasting. She, and we, tend to look in the wrong places.

The truth is that Jesus knows us.

He knows everything about us, including every mistake we’ve made. Yet, just like He showed the woman at the well, He still desires a relationship with us. He loves us enough to tell us the truth and show us the way to repair what’s been broken.

God wants to come into our lives and transform us into light-bearers, reflecting Him and His love to others. It’s not something we can do on our own. But through His forgiveness and grace, over time we become more like Jesus, and others will begin to feel His love through us."

At the end of the message three moms raised their hands when asked who wanted to invite and accept Jesus in their heart and let Him lead the way. 

"Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." Romans 10:11

We are grateful to Cascade Hill Church, for their volunteers, for the moms who raised their hands, for all the moms we serve and their children and for all of our supporters. Without you all, events like this one would not be possible. Glory be to God!