First Fruits Friday - Trauma

We recently met Andrea* after her abortion. At twenty seven years of age, this mother had been through many traumas. She witnessed unimaginable violence and was the victim of sexual assault at the hands of family members. When she finally spoke up to her grandmother, she was told “These things happen; and what happens in this house stays in this house." She later learned that her mother had experienced much of the same trauma.

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Christopher SnipesSeneca CFL
First Fruits Friday - Stressed and Overwhelmed

When we ask our Seneca clients what are the main reasons that bring them to the point of abortion, without a doubt they shrug their shoulders with deep sighs and say something like, "I'm overwhelmed. I just can't raise a baby. I just don't have it in me." Maybe it is because of many children, finances, mental health issues, or abandonment from the father of the baby, but the feeling is an engulfment of burdens that they cannot escape from, and it reverberates into a deep sense of hopelessness.

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Christopher SnipesSeneca CFL
First Fruits Friday - New Life

At Seneca, we believe that offering both short and long term resources is vital to helping mothers in unexpected pregnancies who feel trapped by their circumstances and become vulnerable to abortion. One of the ways that we offer long term help is through our case management program. It takes months and even years to see a life completely transformed, but that’s why we are here for the long haul.

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Christopher Snipes
First Fruits Friday - Made Whole

Most people don't know that 12% of American households are single moms. These moms are twice as likely to experience mental health concerns. Thankfully, 72% obtain health care. Still, there are many hurdles that keep both single and married moms from pursuing consistent counseling. Sometimes, they don’t have transportation or childcare. Other times, they do not trust that they can be honest or they do not feel safe in the office.

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Christopher SnipesSeneca CFL