First Fruits Friday - The Blessing of Boldness

I walked over to Seneca’s property edge and called out to them to get their attention. I introduced myself and asked the mom if I could share who I was and what Seneca and the mobile clinic had to offer. I also asked if I could share the reality of what her daughter was about to experience, because as we all know, the abortion workers are not honest about this. She listened to what I had to say, all the while sobbing because she did not want her daughter to go through with this. 

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First Fruits Friday - God's Plan

I asked her how she was feeling and if she were still considering abortion.  She answered, "I think God is telling me to have this baby. With the things that happened to me, especially the lady that told me that I couldn't have the abortion, it was a sign that I shouldn't do this."  She then confirmed to me that she was going to continue with her pregnancy and raise this child by herself, just as she'd been doing with her other three children.  She asserted, "It is God's will. If he wants me to have this baby, I will have it.”

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First Fruits Friday - Finding the Right Fit

When I came to Seneca in December of last year, seeking to volunteer, I thought I’d be folding baby clothes and inventorying diapers.  As it happened, the front desk position - the Administrative Specialist job, was open and Amber and Karen encouraged me to apply for it. I had come to Seneca with friends the previous Spring to pray during 40 Days for Life.  That was really all the exposure I’d had to this pro-life organization.  

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First Fruits Friday - Client Update

She chose a fulfilling life - for her and for her toddler. She got back into school seeking to become a nurse. and will complete her associates degree in June. She works full time at a local hospital, has saved money and increased her credit score.  She began to talk to a gentleman she had gone to high school with. They spoke on the phone for over a year without seeing one another. He supported her and loved seeing her baby girl on FaceTime. Finally, they met after Covid struck and began to spend time together. 

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Christopher Snipes