First Fruits Friday - Embrace Grace
Seneca is very excited to partner with the Embrace Grace Bible Study! Our volunteer Spiritual Director, Dorothy Bryant has been incredibly proactive in getting this Bible Study going in our community for our clients and other women in the area. This week she shares about the Embrace Grace program, and the blessings that have come from it!
God has shown up in big ways at our local Embrace Grace ministry! Embrace Grace is a 12- week Bible study and support group for pregnant, single women.
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First Fruits Friday - God Moments
At Seneca our staff and volunteers often have what we refer to as “God moments” on the sidewalk. While trying to minister to the women going into the abortion facility there are many times we encounter a situation that hits home for us, and we know that God placed us there in that moment for a reason. This week, Seneca Administrative Assistant Stephanie shares her God moment.
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First Fruits Friday - My Why
My plans were off to a great start, and before I knew it I was transferring from my small private school to the high school with the #1 choir program in the State of Oregon. I sang in the Jazz choir and the chorus. I competed at many vocal competitions. I was on my way to achieving my dream.
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First Fruits Friday - Unexpected
In an unexplainable way, God showed up on an unexpected abortion day in Columbus, GA. This happened to be the first day of 40 Days for Life, our semi-annual prayer vigil. A mother and grandmother traveled from a small town in Georgia, about a 2 hour drive from Columbus, looking to resolve the “problem pregnancy” with an abortion solution. When they arrived they were greeted with love and joy from a small team of Seneca Sidewalk Advocates, the Mobile Medical Clinic team and some 40 Days for Life prayer partners. All was calm, but the heavens were storming. A battle for life was being fought in an unseen and unexplainable way.
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First Fruits Friday - Scholarship
For the past year, two of our clients, both with bachelor of science degrees in healthcare administration, have participated in the Voices for Healthy Georgia fellowship program. Seneca urged both to apply for this prestigious program. This is where community-centered healthcare advocates are trained within the West Central/SwGA regions of Georgia's healthcare landscape, to deal with issues related to health disparities, and other culturally relevant topics around health, wellness, and access.
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