Special Edition: Seneca Press Release

Seneca, Choices for Life

June 24, 2022


Amber Snipes 

Executive Director 



Seneca Choices for Life expresses deep gratitude and hope with the decision handed down today by the U.S. Supreme Court. We give thanks to God that the American people now have a genuine opportunity to fully protect the unborn.  

This result has been in the making for almost five decades. For all these years, thousands have taken direct action and countless millions have offered prayer that our country may reverse the terrible wrong which was the  Roe decision.  

Today marks a renewal of Seneca's commitment to new, and expecting, mothers who may need a helping hand. We are more committed and able than ever before to support the precious lives of mothers, fathers, and their unborn babies.  

To those who have been hurt by abortion, we want you to know you are LOVED. Healing is possible. The pro-life community is here to help you find that healing.

To those who may need some assistance: You are NOT ALONE. You are LOVED. Please, let us show you. We stand ready to  welcome you with open and loving arms.

Amber Snipes