First Fruits Friday - Adoption

Recently a member of one of our supportive churches asked if Seneca is involved in any adoptions. The answer is yes. When a client enters Seneca's door, we conduct a pre-abortion screening and inform the client of all options. Adoption is always an option. 

Seneca, Choices for Life partners with one organization for our adoption minded clients. Lifeline Children Services provides another LIFE option other than parenting. They also do the following:

  • Provide training and resources to their volunteers to be able to talk about adoption

  • Continue the options counseling started by Seneca. Once Seneca is able to help get a life decision, Lifeline helps clients think through both life options

  •  If she chooses adoption, Lifeline helps her think through what she desires in a family and helps her understand what modern open adoption looks like

  • Help client to choose a family from our waiting Christian families

Who are the women who choose adoption?  

  • Over 60% of the women choosing adoption are not first time parents

  • Average age of women placing is 25

  • Race of those placing: 58% Caucasian; 26% African American, 9% Hispanic; 5% Biracial

  • 497 women were referred to Lifeline in 2021

  • 48 placements took place in 2021

One of the placements was a Seneca client - a “SAVE” from the Sidewalk. This young lady did not want to place her child in an adoptive home, but she has a medical condition that will not allow her to care for her child. She made one of the most COURAGEOUS decisions a single mother could make - she lovingly chose a family and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Her sacrifice saved a child and gave the gift of life to a family who have been unable to have children on their own.

Was it easy? Actually none of the options are an easy choice in an unplanned pregnancy. Yet this young mom, with two other children, offered her child a good life, in a Christian home. She will still see her child based on her terms with the adoptive family and will be able to watch her child grow and thrive through photos.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." 'John 3:16

If you are interested in learning more about Adoption. Please visit their site.

Christopher Snipes