First Fruits Friday - Spirit

2 Corinthians 3:17 

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

We are days away from celebrating one of the most important days in our Christian Churches: Easter! 

God has surely used the prayers and sacrifices of the last 40 days during our 40 Days for Life Campaign to do miracles in our midst.

 According to our Case Manager, who has been directly working with Seneca clients for nearly four years, the past few months have been remarkable:

“We have had more clients asking for bibles, asking to talk about their faith, taking their children to church, and accepting Christ than ever before.”

We even have a volunteer who has begun diving deep into spiritual direction with our clients. 

In a recent Seneca Sisters Support Group, the theme of the night was Holy Spirit. Our clients shared about how they have seen and felt the Holy Spirit moving in their lives. 

When discussing this, it was clear that God is actively pursuing our clients in their hardest moments. They know the Holy Spirit so much more than they first realized. These are some of the stories our clients spoke about.:

"My face was covered, I don't know with what, but I felt relief knowing HE is there. I heard, You are never rejected by me. I know that one of my wounds is rejection. No one knew this, but HE did.”

"Pastors would point at me and they would say ‘you need prayer’. They said that there was something dark hanging over me. They prayed and rebuked the bad energy. I did not understand what was happening. I just felt lighter and joyous after this encounter."

Another client shared..."I was standing at the bus stop. It was rainy and cold. I was feeling incredibly down. I began to cry. I called out to my abuela. She was the only one who ever really loved me. Then suddenly I felt someone hugging me. It was a warm, comforting embrace. It was so real that I looked around to see who it was. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that my tears turned to sobs. I knew HE was with me."

One of the sisters added what she heard in church: 

"My pastor said that when we cry, we are worshipping. It's as if we actually see God but our physical bodies cannot handle it. He said that when we are tired physically the best thing for us to do is to worship."

It is always our goal that our clients would experience the freedom that comes from living life with Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort them. So many times we are simply a safe place for them to process what God is doing in their lives. We are so grateful that He allows us to witness the miracles He is performing in our clients’ lives and our own lives. 

There is no better time than the Easter Season to renew our efforts to share the light of Christ with all. 

Are you interested in welcoming a Seneca client into your church family? Contact for info on how to start a Bible study at your church for single moms or introduce a client to your church.

The work Seneca does, in partnership with our local churches, could not be possible without the support provided by those churches. One of the best ways to support Seneca, Choices for Life this Spring is attend our Joy of Motherhood Gala. Tickets are still available, but they’re going fast. So get your tickets now, or purchase a table and attend with your church family.