First Fruits Friday - Bittersweet

Today was a bittersweet day at Seneca. Three women who chose life for their children were experiencing grief in different ways. All brave, all overcame obstacles, and yet they faced difficulties. God does not promise a comfortable or painless life. He DOES promise to be with us in our suffering and use it for His Glory. He prepares us for a life of the spirit. Please pray that each of these moms rest in the Holy Spirit as they face their particular situations: 

Kerry was thirteen weeks pregnant  when she walked out of the abortion clinic. She was too far along for an abortion and she was angry. Tears streamed down her face.  She did not want this child. She really did not want to speak with the Seneca team, but felt like she had no other option. She chose life, but waffled through feelings of anger, sadness, frustration with the father of the baby, family member drama, etc. Seneca walked with her through it all. Along with our partner, Lifeline child Services (an adoption agency), the mom knew that she was loved and supported. Today, she relinquished her parental responsibilities through the option of adoption. Despite her emotions at the beginning of her pregnancy, this was not an easy decision. Her heart is breaking even though she knows she is doing what is best for her child. Please pray for her.

Angie wanted her child,  but did not know how she was going to care for a baby. The father of the baby was just put into jail. She did not know if she could afford to have a child. "How am I going to do this alone?" she asked. Seneca took her by the hand and walked with her. Her spirits slowly lifted, she got a new house for her and the baby, painted and decorated the nursery and she named her little boy. Unfortunately, at 24 weeks of gestation, she began to cramp. After going to the ER, she found out that the child had died. Within a couple of days, she delivered her little boy and held him before he was taken away. Even now, she still struggles to get out of bed. She wonders why she is alive now and attempts to put one foot in front of the other. She experienced a stillbirth, and the pain is deep and wide.Please pray for her.

Zenya came into Seneca reluctantly. She had made an appointment at the abortion clinic, but she was not at peace. She had grown children, was alone, and did not want to start all over again. She stated that she had made some poor choices, and that was why she was in the position she was in. At Seneca, we knew that the Holy Spirit led her here. We just listened and let her cry. She felt all alone. After working with the case manager, Zenya decided to choose life for her child. Unfortunately, shortly after making this life changing decision, she suffered a miscarriage. Now, she was feeling confused, sad, and somewhat relieved. Her grief was real, but how could she be feeling so many different emotions? Please pray for her.

At Seneca, our vision is to create a culture of hope where life is celebrated and healing is received. The angels in heaven were dancing with us when these moms chose life. Choosing life is ALWAYS a joyful time. Still, we are never in control, and God’s plan sometimes for not make sense this side of Heaven. Now our healing team is working with these moms to help them process their turbulent emotions. 

We know that this grief, although heavy, is not nearly as heavy as the grief after an abortion. We know that these mothers did what God asked by accepting His gift of life and protecting that Gift as long as they could. As we cry alongside these mothers, we trust that that truth will carry them through their grief.  Please pray for our team to be open to the Holy Spirit in order to guide these women to the Father's loving arms.

A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows…

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