First Fruits Friday - 24/7

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

At Seneca, we depend on our volunteers, donors and partners in order to serve our clients in case management. Many of our clients are experiencing unimaginable circumstances and need wrap around services and support and often need someone available to talk to 24 hours a day, depending on their schedule and when they have a safe place to talk.

We partner with a wonderful, 24 hour, national  hotline called Loveline that can serve our clients even when we are unavailable. . A pregnant woman can call at any time, get a listening ear, set up a meeting with a case manager and then get a referral to Seneca. The Case Manager at Seneca then calls the client to come in, so that local services can be given quickly. Seneca is the local support whereas Loveline is national.

One of  our clients who was choosing abortion due to overwhelming circumstances called Loveline, and then our team called her. Over a period of a month of transitioning the client to us, Loveline took a step back to help out others. This streamline of care is important for those in crisis. 

Another of our clients actually had an abortion appointment due to domestic violence. Her husband threatened to “cut the baby out”. After helping the client get a restraining order and working with other partners to get to a safe location, Seneca worked with Lifeline to set up a plan for the mother and her children to move to another state and to have their own home to live in. At that point, Seneca releases the client to the care of Lifeline. Our partner services allow us to care for the clients either way.

Abortion is a choice made from desperation, fear, and even coercion. Recently Loveline shared with us: "About 57% of our clients are fleeing domestic violence, and the crisis calls to Loveline have more than DOUBLED since December.  Our team of case managers are walking alongside women facing unplanned pregnancies and tackling each obstacle that stands in the way of unplanned joy."

We are so grateful for Loveline and all other pro life ministries that are willing to go above and beyond to support and empower women in their motherhood journey! 

To learn more about Loveline: 

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and need immediate help please call or text love line at 888-550-1588

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