First Fruits Friday - Roundabout

Have you ever driven on a roundabout? You have four options to go and sometimes it is all the way around because you realize you left something "back there". Recently a previous client contacted us. She was walking into the abortion clinic about a year ago. One of our Sidewalk Advocates talked to her and brought her into Seneca. After some precarious weeks of spending time with her, the client chose life.

Unfortunately, this Mom was to suffer a miscarriage. She continued on with us via our support group and then, she disappeared and we did not hear from her until now.

This is what she had to say:

"I pray all is well with you and the team. I wanted to reach out to you because so much has happened since the last time we spoke. I lost my house, and honestly I was in an abusive relationship that I didn't want to let go of. I hit rock bottom or at least I thought, But God had to put me in a quiet place to heal me. I became abstinent, and took a 6 month fast or timeout from alcohol and I started volunteering with a local community resource center. I bought a business and I feel God is saying It's time for me to get back to working on my calling to encourage women to be their best selves. I thank you for praying for me and never giving up. I hope we can build God's kingdom together. I look forward to hearing from you."

We were overjoyed to hear from her, and asked her to come by as soon as she could. 

She stopped by last week, and she was glowing!.

This client went on a roundabout. Very much like all of us, she is on a journey of healing. At that time she was driving, chose a direction that didn’t serve her, and is now returning to her true self in Jesus Christ. No, her life is not perfect, and she is still processing and healing from her miscarriage and other trauma. But she is on the right road now, and that Glow and peace of walking (or driving ) with the Lord is visible to all. In time, as she heals more, she will have the opportunity to serve at Seneca as a mentor with our newer clients as she continues down this path with Christ. We are honored to welcome her back. It’s never too late for a client to get back in touch with us, just like it is never too late to turn our hearts and lives back to Jesus. He is always waiting with open arms and ready to celebrate our return.

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