First Fruits Friday - A Cord

In Honor of Valentine’s Day, we’re reflecting on marriage. 

At Seneca, we are grateful and joyful when we can celebrate. Recently we were invited to attend a wedding of a client. We are so excited to see another wedding for one of our clients who sees the value of making a lifelong commitment in the eyes of the Lord. When these important events approach, we are reminded of the following scripture:

Ecclesiastes 4:12

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

At Seneca, we strive to make God the centerpiece of everything we do. Our relationship coaching classes help the women know and recognize the man that God designed them to be with. Many of our clients are already married or working on learning to have healthy relationships, so it is not every day that our clients have a wedding. That is what makes these moments even more special! We love to celebrate life and love at Seneca. We know that God brought these two together, and we affirm their union for the sake of what God says in the Bible, for the sake of the commitment of marriage and especially for the sake of the child who will be born of this union. A strong marriage makes for a strong family, makes for a strong community, makes for a strong world.

As part of our Seneca Family we encourage you to find a relationship coaching class on-line or in person. Isn't your marriage worth the time?

ELEVATE is a no cost relationship education program for all couples in committed relationships. During our 12-hour program, you and your partner will engage in fun activities with other couples and learn skills you can use to: Better manage stress. Strengthen your connection with each other.

UGA Extension Columbus is also offering FREE Elevate Couples workshops. You can register for a chance to grow closer with your partner and also earn up to $350 in gift cards. Person of Contact: Tracey Saxton or Rhea Bentley at 706-653-4200 for more information.

One on one couples coaching is available here: $50

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