First Fruits Friday: Walking Wounded

Isaiah 53:6

“All of us like sheep have gone astray,

Each of us has turned to his own way;

But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all

To fall on Him.”

 Our mission at Seneca is to “make abortion unthinkable through prayer,  intervention, and prevention.” Our Vision is to “create a culture of Hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received”

 Our recent training through Support After Abortion was a great reminder of how great the need for healing is in our world, and how facilitating healing can ultimately save lives:

 According to a national source, “One in four women will experience abortion before their 45th birthdays”.*

 Over 1 million abortions occurs every year in the US, half of those are repeat abortions. There are approximately 30 abortions a week next door to our facility. Many of the women are repeat customers. Based on research, if we can catch the parents after the first abortion and help them understand the decision, they will likely not repeat the experience. Being next door to the abortion facility, our advocates are trained to lovingly pass out healing cards to mothers who leave the abortion facility in hopes of being a conduit of healing and stopping the cycle of repeat abortions.  Every week our goal is to place healing bags or healing cards into the hands of mothers exiting the abortion facility in hopes they find a safe place to connect in order to begin their healing journey.

 The abortion experience is changing now. In December of 2022, the FDA approved the “pill by mail” for teleabortion removing the in person dispensing requirement for the abortion pill, “mifeprex” to be distributed.

According to the Federal Drug Association: 

“Mifeprex (mifepristone) must be prescribed by or under the supervision of a certified healthcare provider who meets certain qualifications. In December 2021, FDA announced that the REMS must be modified by removing the in-person dispensing requirement. Removing the in-person dispensing requirement will allow, for example, dispensing of mifepristone by mail via certified prescribers or pharmacies, in addition to in-person dispensing in clinics, medical offices, and hospitals as currently outlined in the Mifepristone Rems Program. Applicants began using a mail order distribution model when the in-person dispensing requirement was not being enforced during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE); this distribution model remains in use today.

Mifeprex (mifepristone) can still be dispensed to patients in clinics, medical offices, or hospitals by or under the supervision of a certified prescriber.”

Here you can read further how the pro-abortion side feels this is a victory.

Over 700,000 people are now taking the abortion pills at home. In 2022, an estimated 70% of abortions will happen due to the pills being delivered at the door step. Minimal medical advice will be given. The mom will most likely deliver the child in the bathroom on the toilet, by herself and watch the child go down the drain or possibly bury the baby.  Imagine the trauma to the mother that this will cause.  Always having the memory of flushing her baby down the toilet.


In our training we learned that one woman wounded by a chemical abortion shared: 

"I held my baby in my hands for 2 hours and I did not know what to do. I knew I had made the worst decision of my life."

As she held the baby, her other 2 children were running around the apartment. She was alone during this time. This act can lead to trauma. For years, or even for life, this secret may be hidden. Yet, we can provide Hope and Healing services. Like Jesus with the woman at the well, the people involved should be met with compassion where they are on this journey.

 So how do we do that? Statistically, we know that 18-29 year olds want tele-health services. Ninety percent of the people do not know where to go for help after having an abortion. Approximately 85% reach out anonymously. They do not like to give their names, and truthfully, it is not necessary.


If a friend, family member or coworker shares their reproductive loss, this is what you can do.

 1) Tell her/him that you are sorry for their loss. That he/she is not alone. Pause.

2) Ask if they would like to share the experience with you? Listen.

3) Refer for support - call Seneca for healing 1:1 or to join Forgiven and Set Free Bible Study. Another avenue for healing, no matter how long ago the abortion took place is to sign up for our next Rachel's Vineyard Retreat 

contact Support After Abortion for a network of healing providers as well as virtual support groups.


Abortion is a human issue first. Our society is full of people who are the walking wounded. Jesus came to heal our wounds. He saved us by taking them upon himself. 


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