First Fruits Friday - Prepare Us

This a personal note from our Case Manager:

Sometimes, I take time off from my daily activities to just cry. Hearing the stories of what our clients have walked through during their lifetimes just breaks my heart. I grow weary; I grow worried; I grow frustrated with the obstacles that stand before our clients. 

Most of our clients are single moms, with multiple kids, with little to no child support. Most do not have college degrees; many do not have their GED. Almost 80% have suffered sexual assault, some from the age of 3. Many of them are victims of domestic abuse. Some are still dealing with the scars of previous abortions. Did these women make some decisions that were not to their benefit or to God's glory? The answer is yes. Who are we to throw the first stone? Haven’t we all made some decisions that were not for our benefit or for God’s glory?

When I become knowledgeable about the person behind the stories, my heart goes from judgment to compassion. God is the judge. We are simply sent here to love. Love - so simple to say and difficult to do, especially if the person in front of us is doing something we do not agree with. 

There is a yellow dotted line on the pavement  that separates us, literally, from the abortion facility on Rosemont Drive. On abortion days, the women teeter between life and death for their child. Our Prayer Warriors pray fervently for life. Our Sidewalk Advocates approach the women with hope, honesty and love. The Mobile Ultrasound Unit is onsite to give pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Our Case Managers assess the issues as to why these women are walking into an abortion clinic. Seneca gives them blessing bags, a Love Box, prayers over them by the team, supplies and an appointment for a follow-up ultrasound or case management.

This is just the beginning of how we help mothers in their journey, but it is crucial. Without this team on the sidewalk, there is no hope or real help on abortion days.

We are in need of more Prayer Warriors, Sidewalk Advocates, and those to work one on one with the clients. If you feel called by God to do this, please contact us at These women need to know that they are loved, not judged. Open your hearts to become the hands and feet of Jesus, our Lord.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. - Ephesians 2:10

Christopher Snipes