First Fruits Friday - Go North

“You have been wandering around in this hill country long enough; turn to the north." Deuteronomy 2:3

Many people do not realize how hard it is for our clients to trust others. Even once they choose to work with Seneca and join our Case Management Program, it takes months, even years for them to share their entire story.

Sometimes, they will ONLY speak to their Case Manager and are hesitant to share with anyone else on our team.

For this reason, it is not easy for our clients to open up about their faith. Still, Our entire team is dedicated to sharing Christ’s love and healing with all of our clients. We want them to know that not only are we here for them, but He is trustworthy, and He will ALWAYS be with them.

For our team, conversations about pregnancy, relationships, and past trauma always lead to the same place: Christ’s love for us and how God works in our lives. 

One client has been wrestling with this for a while as she learns to trust and heal. What a blessing to see how God is moving in her life:

"I couldn't sleep. I was up at 4:30 a.m. I had a lot on my mind. I turned on the TV and saw a preacher. Something drew me in. 

He was talking about how the people marched 38 times around but then God directed them to go north.

 The preacher went on to say that God knows when the time is to redirect. I realized that I had been marching around different situations, people, etc. for a long time, and I was tired. The preacher went on to say that sacrifice is when it hurts. I realized that I had been sacrificing myself all of this time. That is when things began to change.

Up until a couple of months ago, I would bend over backwards to help others. Sometimes this would not serve me. I told myself that I have done enough sacrificing.

I told God, I am prepared to take my next journey. I am tired of the same thing, people, environment and asked him to remove me from this.

The next day, yes, the next day things began to change. I went to look at a house for me and the kids. We had been living with my friend for nine months. I wanted the house but did not know for sure how I was going to pay the deposit. That morning, I checked to see if my taxes came in as well as a paycheck. It did. I cried. He really does make the impossible possible. God has the final say so on everything in our lives. I have paid up my rent for two months and am all set on my bills.

We just moved in this weekend. We don't have beds yet but my whole family is happy, healthy and we are at peace. God said to go north. The preacher said that means to elevate, grow, expand one's horizons. I have decided to go north and to keep on that path.”

Please keep this mama in your prayers as she turns her heart to Christ and His plan for her life.