First Fruits Friday - Chemical Abortion

Most people do not have a clear understanding that surgical abortions are not the only type of abortions women receive.  100% of what we see next door at the local abortion facility is The Chemical or “Medical Abortion” or Abortion Pill.  This process involves taking 2 pills (Mifeprex and misoprostol) and consists of a 48 hour process ending in the mother going into induced labor at home, typically by herself to complete the abortion.  How tragic for the mothers we so desperately want to help.  


According to the FDA Website: 

“Mifeprex (mifepristone) is used, together with another medication called misoprostol, to end an early pregnancy…Mifepristone is approved, in a regimen with misoprostol, to end a pregnancy through 70 days gestation (70 days or less since the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period).”


While many women do not understand the ramifications of abortions in all aspects of their lives, it is widely understood by the medical community that there are risks of severe side effect when taking these pills, especially if the chemical abortion begins once the woman is past the “approved” 70 days or 10 weeks gestation. 


It is also widely known that many women experience symptoms of trauma and even PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) after an abortion, or what others call Post-abortion Syndrome.


The Mayo clinic states the following:

“Having a medical abortion is a major decision with emotional and psychological consequences. If you're considering this procedure, make sure you understand what it entails, side effects, possible risks, complications and alternatives.”


Our Sidewalk Advocates and Case Managers offer pre-abortion counseling and let the ladies know all of this: the trauma for the mother, possible risks, side effects, and emotional toll.  Even so, some still walk out the door and choose to get the abortion. 


Recently, this is what happened to a client we had been serving.

After 3 times of God's intervention to save the baby, the mom decided to take the pills. Unfortunately, she was past the 70 days or 10 weeks gestation. The baby had developed far beyond the point that a chemical abortion would be “safe”..


Just recently she went to Atlanta to undergo a five hour surgery due to an infection related to her chemical abortion pill. Due to the fact that she took the abortion pill after the timeline permited, parts of the baby were still inside her body, leaving the mother with such a bad infection that surgery was required.

Please pray for this mother and mothers like her. This type of sub-par “medical care” happens more often than we know.  When money is the driving force behind “medical care”  in a for-profit business, corners are cut in so many ways.  Women’s lives are literally at risk. 


There is no such thing as a “safe” abortion. Every abortion is gruesome, tragic, and life-ending for both mother and baby.  Spiritually, emotionally, and physiologically, mothers are scared and traumatized.  Babies are hurt physically and their immortal souls are taken before life outside the womb can even be given.  This is a spiritual battle of epic proportions. 


On December 16, 2021, the FDA “determined that the data support modification of the REMS to reduce burden on patient access and the health care delivery system and to ensure the benefits of the product outweigh the risks.”


The FDA removed the “in person dispensing requirements” for the abortion pills.


This means that women can now receive these pills through the mail, and it is easier than ever to access an abortion in the earliest weeks of pregnancy. 


One concern is more women will receive these pills when they are past the recommended gestation age. More women will find themselves in the situation that this poor client is in. 


Even sadder, women will receive these pills from a practitioner far away who will not even have to see them in person before they prescribe these medications. They will never encounter our Sidewalk Advocates on abortion days. They may never receive information about the Abortion Pill Reversal or Healing Options. They will not have our Case Management team reaching out to them in the days after their abortion to offer healing from the trauma of abortion. 


We will continue to share the truth with every woman we encounter, but in this new age of “virtual abortions,” we all must be sharing this truth with our loved ones. Please educate yourselves by watching the videos here


Please pray for this mom, and the many other mothers who have been wounded by the trauma of abortion.  Hope and healing exists.


Seneca is also hosting our next Forgiven and Set Free Bible Study for healing from past abortions. All are welcome!  If you are suffering from the loss of a baby from an abortion, miscarriage, or stillbirth, join us in Wednesday evenings from 6:15-8:00. Call or email us to register: (706) 992-6700;

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