First Fruits Friday - Imagine

“But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks. 

Then God's peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4: 6-7

Many of our Seneca Supporters are not aware that we are next door to an abortion facility. Most people in our area do not know that approximately 30 abortions occur weekly not far from one of our major hospitals. Some of the clients walking in to get an abortion are remorseful, many are resolved. Many of the women who seek abortions have gone through unthinkable trauma. But even those women don’t truly want an abortion. When God intervenes and leads them to Seneca, we learn what their lives are truly like. 

Once they share their stories, it is not hard to imagine how they ended up feeling like abortion was their only option. 

We are honored that our clients share their stores. Imagine for a moment this is your life: 

Abused as a child by a relative, human trafficked from the age of 14-19; her pimp's name tattooed on her neck because she was his property. She found herself pregnant at 14, 16 and forced into two abortion’s as a teen.  But at 18, this Mom chose life for her baby because she thought she could now raise a child after she got off the streets. She worked hard, getting her CNA license, getting married and having 3 more children. Late in her twenties, she found herself pregnant again, but in the middle of a divorce. She called us for an abortion, not knowing how we support mom just like her, or that her life was about to change.

She hesitantly chose life. Primarily due to your prayers and support during one of our 40 Days for Life vigils.  She felt the abundant graces YOU asked God to pour down upon her!  It was touch and go for quite a while.  Throughout her pregnancy and after she gave birth, Seneca’s Case Management team has worked with her to empower her with the love of Christ Jesus. Things have not changed overnight for her. She is on her own with the kids, struggling without child support that she is fighting for and living paycheck to paycheck.

And yet,  she is still faithful. This is what she said recently:

"I am trying to stay positive, but it is hard. I am working many nights to pay the bills. I barely make it. I was late on the rent and got charged extra, but I understand. I am still in school with 3 more classes to go for my BS degree. I interviewed for a fellowship position that will pay me a bit and where I can help the community and learn some new things. I also got a better paying job, so hopefully I won't be behind on the bills anymore.”

"Truthfully I am just maintaining right now. I talk to Jesus everyday. I thank him, ask him to guide me, cry to him, fall to my knees when lost and listen to him through Christian songs. He has been working on me. Last week I was so tired with Covid that I gave it all to him. I really just had no more energy. Then, someone sent me 180 diapers in the mail, someone helped me a little with the water bill and I began to feel a little more optimistic. I know in my heart that everything will be ok; just some moments are hard."

What faith this Mama has!! Your prayers and financial support to Seneca allow us to be a beacon of light and hope to this mother struggling to provide for her 4 children.

Can you imagine being abused at a young age? Can you imagine being marked on your body with your pimp's name? Can you imagine your husband walking out on you because you are pregnant? Can you imagine feeling broken inside and being ready to give up? Can you imagine falling at God's feet, surrendering all?

Can you imagine the kind of strength and faith she has cultivated?

Seneca’s clients are a true inspiration to our team. Our faith is strengthened as we watch them in action and learn from them in unimaginable circumstances.

We have no doubt that her calling the “wrong number” was God’s answer to her cries and His answer to our prayers for her and women in similar circumstances. 

Imagine if every woman seeking abortions could be supported through her pregnancy and beyond. Imagine if God could use Seneca to help heal more women like this mama. Imagine what God will do in our community and families as brave women break free from the cycles of abuse and poverty! Imagine that peace! Imagine!

To donate your time, resources or gifts to Seneca’s ministry, please text senecasupport to 41444

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