First Fruits Friday - Rejoice

In just a few short months, Seneca will host the Joy of Motherhood Gala. We couldn’t help feeling that this latest client story was shared at the perfect time perfect as we reflect on Joy in this most joyful time of year…

“His name is Kai. It means Rejoice.”

A client recently visited us at Seneca to give us some good news. She wanted to say thank you to the women in the Mobile Clinic and to our staff. 

"You were heaven sent. I was ready to get the abortion. I did not want to, but I could not figure another way. I already have three kids. I was just crying after the ultrasound. I did not know what to do."

After praying with the mobile clinic staff, the client was brought into Seneca with her friend. They got a tour of the facility and spoke with the case manager. "I remember you saying that I could do this. That Seneca had my back. I just felt supported."

The client chose life. Her son is due in March. His name is Kai; which means rejoice.

"I know that God was in this decision. Doors began to open up for me. I got a job paying $6 more per hour. My kids became excited about a baby brother. I am saving money and building my credit. My goal is to transfer with my company this summer and begin life anew. I am happy, the kids are happy and we laugh all of the time now."

This baby is already bringing joy to this family. Rejoice!

"The Lord your God is with you he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17

Join us for the Joy of Motherhood Gala on May 12, 2022, and help other mothers experience the joy that comes from walking with the Lord in His plan. Tickets on sale soon!

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