First Fruits Friday - It's a Process

During our last 40 days for life, Miriam called in looking for an abortion. She was 20 weeks pregnant, but the emotional toll and life circumstances had her considering death over life for her child.

From abortion determined to possibly placing her child in a loving home (adoption), to flip flopping back to abortion because she saw no other way out, this client demonstrates the incredible weight put on the mother's shoulders when the father of the baby leaves.

But as the weeks went by during 40 Days for Life, a transformation became clear with the client. 

She stated, "I began to believe in myself. God said ‘You cannot walk in fear and faith.’

I am ready to take care of myself in a healthy way. I had always looked for something in men. I was hurt, with anger inside and regret for the things I had done in the many years of trauma. I do not want to be toxic anymore to myself; I am my own worst enemy."

Still, the spiritual battle continued.  In a dark moment, Miriam made another appointment for an abortion in Atlanta. Our prayer partners stormed the Heavens again. 

 By His Grace, she saw God’s will for her very clearly that day. Miriam shared: "Let me tell you how God works: my car would not move; 2.5 hours I sat there trying to fix my car; my car would not go anywhere. I missed the appointment.”

She continued to share her heart with our Case Manager:

“After that I made a decision to birth the baby. I am now getting stronger support systems. I can keep going with Seneca's support,  and it makes me feel better. I can be proud of myself. It feels good to have support and encouragement. I still struggle, but I am more motivated now; I was experiencing doubt, like I am not a good mom or not good enough. I have been praying and am trying to stay positive. Things are actually coming together."

Since the first day she called, this client has been continually lifted up in prayer by our prayer partners. Through her willingness to share, we can see the gentle way God is working in her life and on her heart. It is not something that happens in the blink of an eye, it’s a process. 

“I looked up at the sky and said "Thank you". No one really understands what I went through crashing down and don't know what to do. Can't dwell. I appreciate Seneca and you got me through the toughest times. I don't have to depend on y'all. God is looking out for me. He is giving me strength to keep going. He gives me my peace and comfort. I am really grateful. I can do this."

"The baby is due in 3 weeks. God is his daddy. God is going to put a person even better in your life as a dad. He has a Dad who loves him unconditionally.

Everything started coming into place. He has blessed me with a house with furniture, my car is running - someone gave me a washer and dryer. Tons of food. My new Neighborhood is quiet.”

Still, this client, like all of us, needs prayer every day. 

This brave mom is in school, set to graduate in May. Her goal is to join the military as an officer so that she can take care of her children well. Her mother is now living with her to help her with the baby and the other children. Life did NOT get better for her overnight. It was a process in which case management was there every step of the way. As you can see, your PRAYERS made a difference.

It is so fitting that this client came to Seneca during 40 Days for Life. She is a living example of resilience, just like those who come to pray, fast, and be a witness to our community. 

Our mission is to make abortion unthinkable through prayer, intervention, and prevention. YOUR prayers are first and foremost. Thank you for your resilience.

Sign up for 40 Days for LIfe today!

*Name changed for confidentiality*

Christopher Snipes