First Fruits Friday - Collaboration

When the abortion business next door changes their schedule and throws us an unexpected abortion day, we say “Praise God”.  You may ask: “Why would you say that?”. We say “Praise God” because any time abortion facilities change their schedules, it shows the impact that peaceful, prayerful, and law-abiding sidewalk advocate presence has on their business. 

Driving all business away from the abortion facility is the goal of Seneca’s team of advocates and staff.  We offer mothers real solutions to the problems that bring them for an abortion.  When mothers choose life or leave the abortion facility before the doctor arrives, we ARE affecting their business. The bottom line for their business is money...when mothers change their minds, they lose money.  One way God is helping us make this possible is by blessing us with the opportunity to collaborate with a new ministry called “Women’s Health Services” This ministry, a mobile pregnancy testing and ultrasound unit, will allow us to offer these services to women every abortion day.  This has long been our prayer, but the logistics simply made it unattainable until now. We are ever so grateful to the good Lord for providing this partnership.  Please know that your prayers and ours have been answered! 

Last week, our first week collaborating with this new ministry, was such a beautiful blessing. We were able to offer 7 women pregnancy testing and ultrasounds as well as follow up for Case Management. None of those women had an abortion last weekend.  

To this effect, we have no fear when we suddenly discover that it is an unexpected abortion day.  We praise God because we know He is preparing for us to meet the mothers who truly need Seneca in their lives, and now, we’ve got this beautiful partnership with the mobile unit to help drive away all business from the abortion facility!  

Your prayers and support are what makes all this work possible.  This ministry is so blessed when our supporters come out to pray, fast, and witness for an end to abortion.  United, we are a family united in Christ!  If you haven’t already, please join us in prayer this fall for 40 Days for life, sign up here to be the hands and feet of Christ and bring an end to abortion in our community!

Christopher SnipesSeneca CFL