First Fruits Friday - Blessed

Last summer, one of our Sidewalk Advocates met Jennifer* as she was headed in for her abortion appointment.

 She spoke with the advocate. How could she raise this baby on her own? The father had walked away and wanted nothing to do with them. She already had one child and had dreams of going back to school to become an elementary school teacher. Now what was she going to do? She was barely making it, sometimes deciding to pay bills over food. She did not have a car and walked to work at a daycare center where she had been working for three years. 

The advocate listened and supported Jennifer even after she returned home. She assisted her in finding a reasonably priced vehicle and encouraged her to return to school. Our advocate even met her family and checked on her on a weekly basis.

Seneca was there also for supplies and case management. The client loved our facility and the care she received. 

She recently sent us this update: 

"My oldest caught Covid from school and brought it home to my 4 month old, so we had to quarantine. But, all is well. Guess what? My job offered me a better position so of course I stepped up and went back to school to get my associate degree. I now have a car, and am making a living wage so that I can pay my bills.

God has been so good to me.”

The most beautiful part is that this client is now praying on the sidewalk once a month. 

It is our prayer that all of our clients will one day use their story to reach other women in need. We’re so proud of this client and all that she has accomplished by being open to God’s call.

This kind of transformation can only occur when Christ works through our love and attention to show clients that they are loved in big ways by our Heavenly Father. 

We are so grateful to our volunteers who are the hands and feet of Christ on the sidewalk and in Seneca. 

*Name changed for privacy

Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the Lord.

Proverbs 16:20 ESV

Christopher Snipes