First Fruits Friday - Walk In

In 2015, Seneca bought the building next to the abortion facility in our community. It was the fruit of faithful prayers and generosity in our community. In our digital world, sometimes it can seem that all of the pro life outreach has now moved to the internet as women google their way to an abortion. 

Still, we see the fruit of our brick and mortar location every week. Being physically present as women are headed into the abortion facility shares real, living, breathing HOPE. 

But it does not stop there. Oftentimes, the only way we connect with clients is through the Holy Spirit guiding them to “walk in” to Seneca. 

A few months ago, a client stopped in just as we were opening for the morning. It was not an abortion day, but she was adamant about finding out where she could have an abortion. 

When our staff member explained a bit about her options, it was clear that the best next step would be to have an ultrasound to find out how far along she was. 

We have been blessed to work in collaboration with Sound Choices, another local Pregnancy Resource Center, to offer pregnancy testing and ultrasounds when we do not have them available on site at Seneca. 

This was one such day. The kind staff at Sound Choices immediately scheduled the client for an appointment. 

In the meantime, the Seneca team offered to buy the client lunch and tell her more of how we could help her if she changed her mind about the abortion she was so sure she wanted. 

“I am not going to change my mind,” She stated confidently. 

Still, we promised to be praying for her and be here if she needed us. 

She did receive an ultrasound that day at Sound Choices, and their staff shared in our prayers for her. Weeks passed, we attempted to contact her, but emails and phone calls went unanswered. 

We kept praying and hoping, despite her apparent silence. 

Then, last week, on the first fully covered day of our 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, she walked in the door. 

With a smile on her face and that beautiful “pregnant glow” she showed us the most recent ultrasound of her baby GIRL! She did, in fact, change her mind.

We celebrated together, shared gifts and baby items, and set her up for a Case Management appointment to work around her next doctor’s appointment right down the road. 

The resources available, and the chance to bond with her baby on ultrasound had given this client a moment to pause in her decision making. Then the prayers from both ministries along with those from 40 Days for Life helped her hear God’s call to life, love, and healing.

As we called to share the news with Sound Choices, we were all overcome by the beauty of what God can do when we are open to His call to work together for His plans.

What a beautiful reminder of what having TWO local Pregnancy Resource Centers and the faithful united in prayer can do in our community. We love “walk in’s,” and they sure do bring joy to our hearts when we finally get to see the fruits of prayer. 

Christopher Snipes