First Fruits Friday: Culture of Life

A few weeks ago, we chatted with some of our clients about our website and asked how they found out about Seneca.

Amelia* had a very interesting reply. She shared that when she first found out she was pregnant, she was very overwhelmed.

“I googled ‘abortion clinics near me’, and then I googled ‘best abortion clinic’. I guess because I always want the best.”

We all laughed a bit about that, but we all also nodded. She was right, of course, to want the best. As a child of God,  she deserves the best. 

Still, Amelia was almost never a Seneca client.  Her google search led her to the local abortion facility. We met her in the parking lot on a Friday abortion day, on what we discovered was her third abortion appointment.  A very similar story to our founder, Kelly Tolman’s three abortion appointments.

Each time, she wavered. The third time, she connected with one of our Sidewalk Advocates over football and agreed to enter Seneca to see what we could offer her.

She spent nearly the entire day with our Case Manager. It was clear she did not want to leave the atmosphere of joy and love that surrounded her. She met and connected with another client, and they made plans to hang out that weekend. She came back with her kids after school,  and left with diapers and a bassinet instead of an abortion that day.

By the grace of God,  Seneca exists to surround women like Amelia with a new way of thinking. We are here to offer one last chance at real help and hope. And unlike the abortion facility next door, we truly want the best for our clients.

But what if this client had never even had to meet us on the sidewalk…?

What would it look like if she had always been treated like a precious child of God with innate dignity, deserving only the best?

What if she had been spoken to with love and never once judged for having several children? 

What if each time she had found out she was pregnant, someone had told her how much of a blessing it was and spoken about (and even to) her pre-born child with love and reverence? 

What if her previous births had been empowering and beautiful instead of traumatic?

What if her follow up appointments had been moments of celebration, recognizing what she had accomplished and reframing any suffering she experienced as a way to grow stronger and closer to Christ?

What if she had received counseling and healing for the wounds of her past that made her feel less than worthy?

What if she had support and quality childcare for her children and made a living wage if she chose to work?

What if she never had to google “best abortion clinics” because she knew without a doubt that she and her baby were invaluable souls?

That is what a Culture of Life would look like. A culture where we all celebrate life at every stage and do the hard work to surround every mother with the support they need to bring new life into the world.

It would look like us each humbly and prayerfully examining our own wounds, opinions, and side comments around birth, death, childcare, politics and everything else that keeps us from celebrating life at all times, no matter the circumstances. 

It is our vision at Seneca to “create a culture of hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received.” We are in the business of shifting a culture that effects us all.  It is not easy. It takes true commitment, humility, and ultimately God’s Grace. Will you join us?

Tomorrow we will host our first ever Culture of Life Concert to be benefit Seneca. It will be a time to celebrate God, the one and only Giver of Life, and celebrate the gift of life that is so precious. 

It will also help us raise the funds we need to continue to offer only the best care and encouragement to clients like this one. It will help us shift a culture. It will help save lives!

*name changed for confidentiality

See You There!

Christopher Snipes