First Fruits Friday - "But God"

"Do you remember where you were in June of last year?" the advocate asked."I sure do, I was walking up those steps into the abortion clinic," the client responded. 

"And now?" the advocate asked.

This mama smiled wide and full.

"It's not, and now, but it is But God! Whew, I had a dead end job, unplanned pregnancy, the father wanted nothing to do with me, no car, my Mom was wondering how I was going to support another child, my other family members were surprised and not supportive."

"But God....but God knew some things I did not know. Now I got a promotion at the daycare and can pay my bills. I am saving to move out of public housing. My Mom is in love with my baby boy. We are healthy and well."

"But the greatest thing now is that I get to volunteer on the mobile clinic and talk to women who are considering abortion. They come in and get an ultrasound. It's nice to love on some of these women the way Seneca loved on me."

Do YOU remember where you were in June of 2020? At Seneca, we were working on our mission to make abortion unthinkable. We are STILL doing this. But God has blessed us with some financial resources to expand our staff (to include bi-lingual help), renovate our work spaces and increase our partner relationships and client advocate volunteer base. We now partner with two amazing pregnancy centers in our community: Sound Choices and Women’s Health Services, a mobile ultrasound unit offering on site ultrasounds three days a week to include every Saturday! Additionally, the prayer coverage through 40 Days for Life has brought abundant blessings to our community in furthering our mission to make abortion unthinkable.  

Due to the prayers and wonderful collaborations, we have had the pleasure of serving approximately 40% more clients than we were in June of 2020.  By the grace of God, we will keep growing so that together, we can shut down the abortion facility for good.  The partnerships and collaborations we have made will be even more valuable in the future.  We know God has big plans for our community and we are faithfully waiting. 

But God is calling you too! Would you like to tour our facility and learn more? Please contact us at 706-992-6700 to schedule a tour for yourself, a school group or church group.

Can you support us financially to help us continue this work?

Become a Legacy Leader For Life by donating $83.33 per month to leave your legacy through the unborn while helping us continue our mission to “make abortion unthinkable through prayer, intervention, and prevention”.

Christopher Snipes