First Fruits Friday - Abortion Worker Chooses LIFE!

You never know who’s going to be calling for help at Seneca.  Some days, its a mom who is excited to see her baby on Ultrasound, and other days, it a woman who has lost a baby to a previous abortion.  During this 40 Days for Life prayer campaign, we we received a call from a previous abortion worker who found herself unexpectedly pregnant.  Instead of calling the abortion facility next door to get an Ultrasound and Pregnancy Test, she called Seneca.  She shared her heart with us that she was looking for a free service.  Due to our supporters and our collaboration with the mobile Ultrasound unit, we were able to say “yes” to her request.  

When she arrived for her appointment, she shared with us that she worked at the abortion facility next door several years back, after being a patient of theirs and undergoing her own abortion experience years ago.  She felt she was helping women, as most abortion workers do.  Sadly, this misguided understanding of helping women left her confused and made her own situation even more difficult.  She was excited to be pregnant, but very uncertain about what was the “right” decision for her life and the life of her unborn child.  When we finally heard back from her after her appointment, she told us that she had scheduled an abortion appointment at the very same place she used to work.  

Our prayer warriors had no idea, but their prayers were being heard and directly helped this mother.  A few days went by. An abortion day came and went, and we did not see her arrive for her abortion appointment.  

Days later, she reached out to us and sent us a picture of her Ultrasound, where her baby was waving and saying “Hi Mom”!!  She told us that she decided to cancel her abortion appointment and choose LIFE for this baby!  Praise be to God for the many silent miracles that are happening and have happened during this 40 Days for Life prayer campaign.  So far we have been blessed to help 18 mothers who were headed next door for abortion related services just during this 40 Days for Life prayer campaign!  God knows our hearts.  He knows our desires to put an end to abortion for good in our community.  With your prayers and financial support, we are doing just that, one mother at a time.