First Fruits Friday - What is Pro Choice?

Recently there has been an increase in the discussion of “pro-life” and “pro-choice”.  But what does it really mean to offer women choices? Many times, Pro-Choice really means pro-abortion. The abortion facilities do not educate women about all of their choices. They offer women one choice: abortion, and many times even deny the clients the chance to hear about the life giving choices they have. At Seneca, we actually give MORE options to women than abortion - isn't that pro-choice? 

One woman called in recently asking if/when we give abortions. She was very determined to have an abortion, and when we said that we could talk to her about her choices, including abortion, but that we do not refer for abortions, she hung up on us.

The Case Manager called her back. After discussing things with her for a while, the client decided to come in for an ultrasound and speak with one of our staff about her options. Please pray for us as God intercedes in the life of this mom. 

At Seneca, Sound Choices, and our adoption partner, Lifeline, we are not simply “pro-life”. We are pro-love. We want to love our clients well. This means that we discuss different options so that the mother has a choice. 

At the abortion clinic, no choice is given. Once inside the doors, the women are asked to place their phones in a receptacle so that no one can contact them. Even if a family member wants to enter, the receptionist does not let them inside the door. Our Prayer Partners and Sidewalk Advocates at that moment are the last sign of love and hope the clients see as they walk in for an abortion. They are also the last loving witnesses to the life of a child inside the womb of those moms. 

Seneca and Sound Choices offer two life giving options - parenting or adoption. In the Chattahoochee area, statistically there are 10-15 adoptions per year. Meanwhile, there are approximately 1,500 abortions per year at the abortion clinic. Here at Seneca we have served in 2021 on average 100 clients per year in our parenting case management program.

Knowledge is power. Our goal is to empower mothers in their decision making. Throughout the process of speaking with moms, our goals include setting an atmosphere of safety, choice, collaboration, trustworthiness and empowerment. Won't you join us in our cause of spreading the pro-love movement?

To learn more about where women find choice, click here.