First Fruits Friday - Best Gift Ever

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Thanks to our Board of Directors, donors, volunteers, and staff, Seneca is a wonderful, family oriented place to work. As staff, we are all growing and learning along with our clients. Here’s what our Assistant Director, Katie, had to say about the gift of our children:

In my two years working at Seneca, God has given me many gifts. He has blessed me with the chance to see our clients’ hearts and lives transformed. He has transformed my own heart and turned fear into trust. But nothing has been as great as the gift of my son, the ‘Best Gift Ever.’ Through him, I have been given the chance to better understand the journey each mother is on when she first discovers she is pregnant until she meets that little soul who will forever change her life. 

Many moms come to Seneca not knowing if or how they will keep their babies. They are bombarded with messages from our culture that focus on the circumstances...

  • “You’re not ready for a baby.” 

  • “One more child? You have enough.”

  • “It’s too hard to be a single mom.”

  • “This baby will be too much stress on your relationship.”

  • “You’re too young to be a mom.” 

  • “You’re too old to be a mom.”

  • “It’s not the right time.”

But after they make a decision to choose life, these mothers realize that there is nothing to regret. Those voices are drowned out by reality:

The reality that those circumstances will change; 

The reality that they are stronger than those doubts; 

The reality that God will give us all the strength for what is asked, 

The reality of their living, breathing, precious child 

The reality that LIFE IS A GIFT. 

Here’s what a few clients had to say about their ‘Best Gift Ever’


“I really love it (being a Mom). I am in love with my baby. My mom says ‘You can't hold him all of the time.’”


“Thank you so much for your support these last few months. It means the world. I can't imagine my life without my daughter.”


"I love being a mom. He (my son) makes life so much better. I don't regret my choice. I am not mad at the father of the baby. I am grateful for my son. Yes, it gets hard sometimes. When he smiles or moves, it just brings joy to my life. I have the best gift ever."

Thank you Lord for the gift of our children, and for the way they illuminate your unimaginable LOVE. Oh what you must have truly felt when You gifted us Your only Son.

~Katie Meza, Assistant Director of Seneca, CFL.

Christopher Snipes