First Fruits Friday - A Mother's Heart

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12

God often calls us out of our comfort zone to be His hands and feet on Earth. It is not easy or comfortable to share our wounds or meet others in their woundedness. It is especially uncomfortable to do this outside of an abortion facility, where emotions are high, and many are facing the darkest moments of their lives.. 

Still, God calls us to show His love and mercy where it is needed most, to follow Him, to trust Him, to bring His light to the darkest places. . 

Many of our volunteers come to Seneca out of obedience to this call. They may not know what exactly God will do with their presence, but they come faithfully to serve Him. One such volunteer was here on a recent abortion day. 

Our team assembled, offering mothers immediate help and loved them into Seneca by attracting them with the love of Christ.  On this particular day, the prayers alone moved one mother to leave and share with a sidewalk advocate at the drive way that she was going to have her baby, there would be no aboriton for this mother!  

Another mother was welcomed by a staff member on the sidewalk.  We’ll call this mother “Sara”.  Sara shared that she was pregnant with her sixth baby and she wasn’t sure what to do.  Although she had an abortion appointment scheduled, she agreed to visit inside Seneca, even after being told we were not the abortion facility.  After meeting our Executive Director, the two women bonded over the large families they both had. The conversation quickly moved into the reason she was at the abortion facility: her mother’s heart. Essentially, her reason for seeking an abortion with her sixth baby was to protect and preserve the life she had with her other five children.  In essence, she felt  that to be a good mother, she had to choose the five other children over the one unborn child.  This reasoning is probably the most common reason that mothers schedule an abortion appointment and take the life of their unborn baby. 

Our Executive Director listened with compassion and sought to understand how we could find a tangible solution to her need to “provide” for both her born and unborn children.  Through a candid conversation, we were able to nail down several tangible solutions to her need to provide for all her children. Next, we had to overcome her thought that the other children would be better off without a new baby sibling. Our Executive Director brought in one of our faithful Sidewalk Advocates who has significant experience healing from her own abortion loss.  When the advocate vulnerably shared her abortion story, Sara was moved by the long-term side effects and negative consequences the abortion decision had on the next 12 years of this advocates life.  Through her cathartic tears and by the grace of God, the vulnerability of the advocate allowed Sara to realize the idea of abortion was a permenant decision to a temporary problem.  Incredibly, after being heard, offered solutions, and witnessing the beauty of her baby on Ultrasound, Sara’s heart was pierced.  Her mother’s heart became open to the new life within her.  

Sara did not want to live with the permanent regret that our Advocate lived with for so long.  Sara was allowed to open her mother’s heart and embrace this next chapter in her life with Seneca and your prayers by her side!!

 We met the exact two women that needed the ‘Light of Life’ in their lives on a day that God already had planned. Even though it was uncomfortable, our Advocate’s vulnerability was exactly what the client needed in that dark moment. We are so thankful to our supporters, our legacy for life donors, and those who volunteer their time and energy to pray, witness, and advocate for the unborn local abortion bring the light and love of God into this world.

Christopher Snipes