First Fruits Friday: Circumstances

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

“Is it the baby or the circumstances?” This is one of the questions that we ask clients considering abortions. In Rachel's* case, it was the circumstances. 

"At 20 weeks, I wanted an abortion. I could not handle it. I called Seneca asking for an ultrasound. I was desperately trying to hold on. The baby's father was pressuring me to have an abortion and he left me. Seneca couldn't help me with the ultrasound that day, but they called me back to check up on me.

I still scheduled the abortion in Atlanta. But let me tell you how God works; my car would not move; 2.5 hours I sat there trying to fix my car; my car would not go anywhere. I missed the appointment. I did not get an abortion that day."

Rachel began Case Management at Seneca. It was still a struggle for her. She had to begin an entire new life -new housing, job, etc. It took months and lots of resources and help from our community partners to pay for rent, etc.

She shared some of her thoughts throughout this process: "My spirit could not breathe. Then I began doing more for me. I began to hear ‘You've got this.’"

Now, her baby is just about due. Rachel told us that she had already named the baby when she called on that day looking for help. Her heart did not want to abort, but her circumstances were leading her to the abortion clinic.

At her last Case Management meeting before her delivery, the Seneca staff gave her a baby basket full of supplies (thank you to our Boutique Manager, Raquel) and prayed with her. She asked us to pray for her to have peace.

"I looked up at the sky and said ‘Thank you’. No one really understands what I went through crashing down and not knowing what to do. I can't dwell. I appreciate Seneca, and you all got me through the toughest times. I don't have to depend on ya'll now. God is looking out for me. He is giving me strength to keep going. I am really grateful. I can do this. He gives me my peace and comfort. Everything that has been taken from me, I am getting things back, but better now.”

Circumstances change but God's love remains. Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

If your circumstances are leading you to consider an abortion, there is real Hope and Help available here at Seneca. Please call us at (706) 992-6700.

*Name changed for confidentiality

Amber Snipes