First Fruits Friday - Healing at Seneca

“My chains are gone

I've been set free

My God, my Savior has ransomed me

And like a flood, His mercy rains

Unending love, Amazing grace”

~John Newton, Amazing Grace

God’s amazing grace flows freely and generously through every aspect of Seneca, Choices for Life’s ministry, transforming and healing lives inwardly and outwardly. Nowhere is this more evident than in the faces of those who participate in our healing programs following a pregnancy loss through abortion, miscarriage, still birth, a medical diagnosis, SIDS, an accident, adoption, or foster care. 

Because of our commitment to confidentiality, we do not take pictures of our participants, but if we did, there would be no denying the change in demeanor from the start of the healing journey to its conclusion. Those of us who walk this journey with our participants are living witnesses of the profound inward and outward transformation that occurs. 

Seneca offers several options for healing. These options may be chosen singly or in combination with one another, depending on individual preference. We offer the “Forgiven and Set Free” Bible Study, the Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat, a special three session weekly gathering for those who have experienced a miscarriage, and a 12 week program for anyone of any age or gender wounded by a pregnancy loss. All of our programs are open to women and men, to immediate family members, to relatives, to friends, to teachers, counselors, health care workers, and/or clergy wounded by a pregnancy loss. 

Please encourage anyone who is hurting emotionally and spiritually because of a pregnancy loss to call Seneca (706-992-6700) or email to set up an appointment with Pat Thompson, RSM to begin the healing journey.

Seneca’s next Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat is October 22-24, 2021. Registration forms are available upon request.