First Fruits Friday: God Sent You

Each week at Seneca, our staff and volunteers witness 20, 30, and sometimes even 40 women headed to the abortion facility. Our dedicated Sidewalk Advocates, Prayer Partners, and Staff peacefully and lovingly offer these women Hope, Help, and Healing, meeting many of them in the midst of a major struggle. Many women are not interested in talking to our volunteers or hearing about the alternatives to abortion. But, we are there because we know God calls us to be His hands and feet on the sidewalk. 

One thing about this outreach is that sometimes we do not know as God's servant IF we are making a difference. But sometimes, He blesses us with that assurance. 

We recently received a beautiful message from a client. 

She met our Seneca team on her way for an abortion, but in the final moments, God worked a miracle in her life. Here is what she had to say:

“Hey, I know we haven’t talked in a while, but I wanted you to know I gave birth. He was 7lb 5oz! I also wanted to say thank you. I really feel God sent you to me at the abortion clinic, and I’m so glad I made the decision to keep him. I have been so happy. Hope you and your family are safe.”

We are so grateful to God for changing hearts and minds. Please keep this mama in your prayers along with all of our clients. We pray that they will all know that God sees them and moves mountains to speak Life and Hope to their hearts!

If you are in an unplanned pregnancy and looking for Hope and real Help, call us at (706) 992-6700.