First Fruits Friday: After Effects

At Seneca, it is not often that we get to speak to a mother after their abortions. Many times, women leave the abortion facility with heads bowed and quickly get in their cars. Sometimes, though,  we are able to talk with the father who is waiting outside for hours during the abortion appointment. This past weekend, our staff spent time with a father named Aaron.*  

We got a glimpse of the after effects of abortion in a follow up call. Aaron shared his feelings after the abortion and said:

 "I won't do it (abortion) no more. This abortion was all about her. I tried to talk her out of it, but my opinion did not matter. Now I am stuck with this irritating feeling."

 He could tell that the mom was struggling as well.

"She was sad on the ride home," he said. 

 Aaron also shared that the mom was still experiencing the chemical abortion. Most women do not realize that a chemical abortion is a multi-day process; one that they will often experience at home, alone. Some have no idea that when they walk out the door of the abortion facility, the process is only beginning. Many are not prepared for how they will feel when they expel their baby.

Seneca is still working with this family to assist them with their circumstances. They have a young baby at home, and the mother was overwhelmed with getting pregnant again. 

 At this point, Seneca's Case Management Program will concentrate on offering healing and working towards the prevention side of our mission. We hope and pray that, if there is a next time, this mom and dad realize that we care and that there are alternatives to abortion. In the meantime, we pray for their healing. We hope the sadness this mother felt, and the “irritating feeling” that Aaron has, will be transformed to peace through the grace of God.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” (Psalm 94:19)

*Name Changed for Confidentiality

Amber Snipes