First Fruits Friday - It Takes a Village

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The front of Seneca is proudly and boldly painted with the statement: Pregnant? You Are Not Alone. So many women seek abortions because they feel alone and unsupported. They are overwhelmed by the thought of raising a child or multiple children on their own. We promise our clients, before they even walk in the door, that they will not be alone as they answer God’s call to bring new life into the world. Our Case Manager, Staff, and Volunteers walk with clients for up to 2 years, encouraging and checking in on them. Still, we know that parenting is a life-long journey. Our clients, and all parents, need a strong support system to raise healthy, happy, and self sustaining children. We also believe that God never intended for mothers and families to feel isolated. That is why we have our Made Whole Support Group. As part of our Case Management program, we encourage women to join this support group for their own emotional, social and mental health. It is a way to help give our clients the village they will need to raise their children. The women in our group call themselves the Seneca Sisters. These women (mostly single moms) come together online twice a month for prayer, teaching and testimony to educate, encourage and empower one another. Many times, this is the first time our clients have been surrounded by such support. It is transformational for their own lives, their faith, and their families. One Client recently shared with her Seneca Sisters during a meeting:

"I feel that God put you (the support group members) in my life to help me go forward in life, to be stronger, and to help me become more focused."

In the 2 years we work with clients it is a true answer to prayer to see  them building these kinds of relationships with one another. God works to use their stories and their vulnerability to tie these women together for LIFE!

Thessalonians 5:11

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.