First Fruits Friday - Acceptance

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29

When the woman at the well met Jesus, she felt accepted. Jesus had a way of doing that; making people feel accepted. At Seneca, Choices for Life we want all to feel that they are accepted here. Our staff and volunteers are inter-denominational as our clients mirror that diversity; they are from many different religious, spiritual, socio-economic, and ethnic backgrounds. Acceptance is important, as one of our long term clients said recently in our support group:

"Seneca helped empower me by reaching out to me. In the Seneca building, I felt safe. I was considering abortion. I knew in my heart it was not right. The staff accepted me. They told me that it is going to be okay. I expected shame, especially being a black woman. There is a stigma to people who look like me having an unplanned pregnancy."

Another client joined in the conversation.

"Seneca not only accepted us, they CELEBRATED us being pregnant when everybody else was saying that the pregnancy was just another burden. They (Seneca staff and volunteers) made us enjoy our pregnancy.”

“I am bragging on Seneca - it's like I am giving glory to God. God is in this place because of the empowerment that the staff gave me, the prayers placed upon me and the lessons Seneca bestowed on me, it's like I know how to maneuver in this world as a mom. I now use it for my children and it has made me a better person, a better human."

Just like we need to accept God's grace and forgiveness, at Seneca we accept all who walk through our doors. Our supporters make this possible! Donors and volunteers alike sacrifice time, treasure, and talent to bring forth the vision of Seneca, Choices for Life- to create a culture of hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received. Truthfully, it is not easy at times. Truthfully, our hearts break a little as we witness week after week abortions that take innocent lives and break families. We pray and witness on the frontlines on of life and death. But, we also hope that once a person encounters Seneca, Choices for Life that they will find rest for their souls…as the woman at the well experienced in Christ!

God is truly in this place. Jesus Christ is working in and through each interaction with mothers and their unborn babies. Acceptance of all mothers considering abortion truly changes hearts and minds. This would not be possible without your support!! We are humbled by our supporters and together we will make abortion unthinkable in our community!!

Christopher Snipes