First Fruits Friday - Hope for the Hopeless

Ecclesiastes 4:9 •
“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.”

Recently Seneca received a request from a concerned citizen about a homeless pregnant woman in the city. This woman was trying to help this expectant mom with resources, etc. When she returned to the area to find the woman, the pregnant mom was gone. This person who felt she was like a guardian angel was devasted; she did not know that there are many organizations that can help women to choose life for their children and not to fall under the pressure from society to abort.

Seventy-three percent of women have abortions due to financial burdens. Seneca, Choices for Life partners with Heartbeat International and other organizations to provide maternity homes for moms in this situation. Another partner, Let Them Live, offers financial support so that they can choose life instead. Due to the amazing support of our donors, Seneca is able to provide significant financial for mothers who feel abortion is their only option.

Generally this means paying for rent, utilities, car payments, etc. Seneca, Choices for Life also partners with over 20 community organizations in the Columbus area to provide food, electricity, healthcare, etc. to these vulnerable women and families.

Pregnant moms are capable of being good, loving mothers. They need help when the father of the baby, family members abandons them or pressures them to abort. A client asked her aunt what she should name the baby. The aunt replied, "A mistake."

Seneca's stories are alive and well through the mothers we have the pleasure to serve. If you missed them in our recent Mothers Matter campaign, check them out here on our YouTube page!

If you know that God does not make "mistakes" will you consider becoming a monthly donor to give each mother who comes next door for an abortion, one last opportunity for hope in Christ? Even just $20 per month could make a huge difference for our clients.

It does not sound like much, but it could be the difference between life and death.

Christopher Snipes