First Fruits Friday - Why Did You Come Back?

Seneca's vision is to create a culture of hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received. As supporters of Seneca, you are the reason we can bring about a culture of hope and life in the world. Healing is integral for all of us on our Christian journey. Jesus Christ is the greatest healer. Providing healing for our clients, volunteers, prayer partners, and staff is what Seneca can do because of your support!

We are asking for your prayers as we navigate the challenging waters of abortion facility outreach to pregnant mothers in need amidst on-going protestors who feel shaming and condemning mothers is the technique of choice. Please pray for the healing of those who come to signal to the world how virtuous they are. Please pray for fortitude for our team of faithful prayer warriors, sidewalk advocates, and staff. Please pray for the healing of our clients who regret their previous abortions and are now learning what a beautiful gift a baby is from Jesus Christ! This story shares the importance of a vision of hope and healing. Thank you for being part of something miraculous!

Recently a past client of Seneca graced our doors. Several years ago, this client had decided to have an abortion even after speaking to a sidewalk advocate for some time. Our team was devastated, as they knew the pain she would experience from the abortion.

Unfortunately, it was not just emotional, mental and spiritual pain that this client experienced; the pain was also physical. The client came to Seneca a few days after the abortion with some medical concerns. Our staff followed medical protocol and instructed her to go to the hospital. The client said that she did not have time as she had to work. The pill abortion is a long process, one that occurs outside of the abortion facility. Oftentimes the pill abortion takes effect with cramping and bleeding for weeks after taking the pills. This young woman told us she ended up giving birth to her unborn baby on the side of the road a bit later that week. How traumatic this was for her and us!

At least a year went by without hearing from the client. During that time, our volunteers wrote her cards, called her and emailed her to check up on her to let her know that she was loved. No response was ever received.

This week, the client returned to Seneca, pregnant and in need of help. She had decided to choose life for this child. After speaking with her for some time, the question was asked, "Why did you come back here, to Seneca?" She replied,

"You always stayed in touch with me. You showed that you cared and I was not judged for what I did. I know that I need help now. I am even open to the healing ministry for my previous choice. I feel loved here."

Following through on our message of hope to our previous clients actually can result in fulfilling part of our mission to prevent future abortions. Won't you help once a month to serve in the ministry at Seneca? Maybe as simple as writing a card from your home to contact our clients and let them know that they are loved

Ecclesiastes 7:8 - Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

Christopher Snipes