First Fruits Friday - Empowerment to Inspiration!

When Seneca began in 2014, our founder Kelly Tolman knew the value of case management for pregnant mothers.  Kelly wanted to create a pregnancy center that could have helped her as a teen mom who was seeking an abortion.  She wanted a place where she could dream and set goals, a place to feel the love of Jesus Christ in the midst of darkness and despair.  Seneca was a dream of Kelly’s for a long time and because of our amazing supporters, leadership team of Board members, and staff & volunteers, that dream is now in full swing. We know this because mothers have told us “I can feel the love of Christ when I walk in the door”.  Through empowering mothers in case management, we are blessed to witness their transformational changes over the course of two and a half years. It’s inspiring to us all!  

Currently, our Case Manager and volunteer Client Advocates are juggling over 35 mothers, supporting them to be the best version of themselves. Mothers make abortion appointments because they are looking for a solution to a problem. Seneca’s case management program is getting to the root of the problem, and offering immediate and long term solutions so that abortion becomes obsolete.

As you may have seen in our Mothers Matter 2021 spring fundraiser, the mothers we serve are inspiring!  They are being empowered daily in our Case Management program.  Jesus Christ is the facilitator of that empowerment, and we are simply His vessels.  It’s an honor to walk alongside the mothers we serve.  Mothers like Jasmine and Edna are shining stars.  Their example of overcoming the odds to choose life despite the challenges they are facing is inspiring!  These mothers are our heros! They are the reason we fight the good fight to end abortion on the front lines day in and day out! When our donors and supporters see the impact that Seneca has to transform lives, it is inspiring!

Seneca’s inspirational approach to empowering mothers has caught the eye of an international audience as well.  Our Executive Director, Amber Snipes, took the concept of creating an essential client culture to the Heartbeat International Conference a few weeks ago in Columbus Ohio. Seneca’s Case Management program was featured as a model for  pregnancy centers across the country to learn best practices as well as tips and strategies for implementing Case Management into pregnancy centers.  Seneca is now empowering and inspiring other pregnancy centers to do the same!!

The vision that Kelly was given by Christ to make abortion unthinkable in our community will happen! With God’s grace, together Sound Choices, Seneca, Women’s Health Services, and the church community of believers will empower mothers with the love of Christ Jesus and end abortion in Columbus Georgia.  

Prayerfully ask yourself these questions:

How will I be part of the vision to create a culture of hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received?

How will I join the Seneca family as a volunteer and a ministry supporter?

How will I or someone I know help Seneca reach the Mothers Matter spring fundraising goal?

We have raised about $14,850 towards our $25,000 goal?

We love you and we are so thankful for you!!

Christopher Snipes