First Fruits Friday - Merciful Father

Merciful Father

During these 40 Days for Life, we are blessed to experience our 7th abortion worker quit the industry as a result of loving and law-abiding prayer, fasting, and community witness.  Not only are the prayers we offer up for the unborn, but they are for all who are hurt by abortion, the mothers, fathers, and even the workers in the abortion industry.  Some may wonder how praying for the abortion workers is part of our mission to make abortion unthinkable.  Others may wonder why pro-lifers would send flowers & gifts to abortion workers. In ‘creating a culture of hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received’, the healing of abortion workers are key to bringing about this vision. 

Our Executive Director remembers: 

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“In my first few weeks of volunteering with Seneca, one of the abortion workers called to ask for help.  It was amazing to watch how merciful the volunteers and staff were as they rallied around this woman to empower her with the resources she needed to find new work and, most importantly, to find healing.  As this fearful woman was ready to leave Seneca for the day and go back to her car, I had the honor of walking, arm and arm, with her.  The fear of retaliation from the owner of the abortion facility was real. She trembled as we walked to her car, hoping no one would see her.  At that moment, I understood the plight of the worker.  They were just as trapped in the industry as the mothers who thought abortion was a good choice. These workers needed real help and deep healing.”

Former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson’s, abortion worker ministry works to bring about amazing healing experiences for these workers. Seneca collaborates with to be a conduit of grace for those hurt by working in the abortion industry. As one of the workers who’s been blessed to receive healing stated:“My hope now is that every abortion worker will take them ( up on it and find the peace their heart longs for.” When Seneca gets involved with a worker quitting due to prayer, or because Seneca has sent Valentine's Day flowers, we provide a direct referral to Abby’s ministry.  We are truly no different from the workers. We all turn away from God and are blinded to what He truly wants for us. We all feel trapped, and our fear keeps us from what Christ truly wants for us in this life.

Due to our fallen nature, we are each inclined to sin. In our attempt to imitate Christ, we reflect on His word for strength.  Christ gently reminds us in the gospel of Luke 6: 36-38 

“‘Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Stop judging and you will not be judged.  Stop condemning and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in turn be measured out to you.’”  

Because of this biblical guidance, we are called to love the workers just as Christ loves us, encouraging one another to find reconciliation with Him.  As He is merciful to us, we are called to be merciful to one another.

Thank you for your prayer, fasting, and community witness.  Because of your faithfulness, another worker has quit the industry.  Check out our 40 Days for Life Day Captain’s Day 6 Miracle Story on the 7th worker quitting. Please join us in praying for this worker's healing in Christ Jesus. We ask you also to pray for one another, for all our healing.  The sin of abortion wounds us all. Each of us is affected differently, but the wounds remain.  In the beauty of our faith as Christians, we continue to be faithful and ask for the grace of humility.  Accepting that in humility, our wounds can be healed, and He can use any evil to bring about good!  Know that your gifts of time praying and fasting for an end to abortion will bring about an end to abortion in our community!   As we recall from the gospel 

“Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in turn be measured out to you.” Luke 6:38  

His mercy endures forever!

Christopher Snipes