First Fruits Friday - 2021 Spring Vigil

Our mission at Seneca is to “make abortion unthinkable through prayer, intervention, and prevention”. Prayer is and always will be the foundation of how we do everything here at Seneca. We are so proud to host the Columbus, GA area 40 Days for Life Campaign, a 40 day unbroken prayer chain of those who wish to see an end to abortion. The commitment to peaceful prayer, fasting, and community witness compliments what we do here every day. It is truly a blessing to be surrounded by so much prayer and encouraged by so many beautiful people in our community. 

This year we are hosting our first ever Spring 40 Days for Life Vigil, meaning we are hosting 2 Vigils in one calendar year. We are thrilled that God is already showing us just how much two vigils are needed!

On Day 2 of this Vigil, our Vigil Coordinator was on site to fill the gaps when the pregnancy center had closed for the day.  A mom arrived looking for help.  Instead of entering the abortion facility, she was welcomed at Seneca by 40 Days Prayer Partners and an off duty Client Advocate.  The mom got the immediate help she needed and came back to Seneca the next day, choosing life! She’s continued to work with us, and is already surrounded by so much prayer and support through our Case Management Program!

On Day 4 of the Spring Vigil, we saw more fruits of our prayers.  Another mama was welcomed by Seneca’s trained Sidewalk Advocates and 40 Days Prayer Partners.  This mama came in for an ultrasound and left without an abortion.  

One of our Advocates had this to say:

“A baby was saved on this day!  Thank goodness for the prayer, fasting, and community witness from 40 Days for Life.  We felt the peace on the sidewalk and Christ’s love was put on display as so many were the hands and feet of Christ today!!”

Every time a mother chooses life, she is not only saving the life of her unborn child, but also saving herself and her family from the pain that abortion leaves in its wake.

Abortion affects our entire community. We can all play a part in helping bring healing to those who have experienced the pain of abortion while trying to help others avoid that same pain. So many folks are seeing this and joining us to pray for EVERYONE impacted by the ripple effect of abortion- fathers, grandparents, siblings, friends, and our entire community. Check out how one volunteer sees this play out:

If you or someone you know is considering an abortion, know that we are praying for you. You are not alone. We can offer you real help and short and long term resources RIGHT NOW! Email us at

If you are searching for healing from an abortion experience, we are praying for you. You are welcome here, and we can offer a safe and confidential place to begin or continue your healing journey. For more info email us at

Thank you to all of the volunteers who have joined us to pray for 40 Days for Life. Please consider signing up for one or more hours to pray in the coming weeks. Sign up here:

Christopher Snipes