First Fruits Friday - God Can!

Currently, Saturdays are abortion days here in our community. Thus, Seneca’s Sidewalk Advocates and staff make sure to provide real hope, resources, and one last chance for women to choose life. 

You never know what Saturday mornings at Seneca will be like. As of late, they have been full of challenges.

One recent Saturday was the most peaceful day of the year. We heard birds chirping, a beautiful clarinet playing in the background, and we had some meaningful conversations on the sidewalk. One moment that stood out was when a car pulled right in front of Seneca. The lights of the car shined bright into the lobby for a good 10 minutes before the car turned off. During that time, one of our newly trained Sidewalk Advocates approached the car and was able to have a peaceful and life affirming conversation with the driver. The woman got out of her car, and walked past the door at Seneca, proceeding to the abortion facility. All the while, our Sidewalk Advocate continued to engage her in conversation, while humbly praying for the Holy Spirit to convict her heart,knowing this mother was facing a life long decision. In a beautifully fearless manner, our Sidewalk Advocate offered her the immediate and long-term help that Seneca could provide.

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The mother listened, but chose to enter the abortion facility, as many of the women we encounter do.  However, this client came out before the doctor even arrived. Miraculously, once she had an ultrasound at the abortion facility, she left and came back to speak to the Sidewalk Advocate.  The humble demeanor of the Sidewalk Advocate showed this mother that she was truly being the hands and feet of Christ! Our advocate brought her into Seneca, and she met with our staff member. This mother expressed how overwhelmed she felt. She had dreams and plans. She wanted to go back to school and get a degree. She was a successful woman, had life goals- but she had a 1 year old and felt overwhelmed. Our staff told her how we can help empower her! Encouraging her that at Seneca, we have the resources, and we can walk with her every step of the way! She knew her one year old would be such an amazing big sister to this new baby. Her mother was excited to be a grandmother, and she believed in our message. As scared as she was, she held onto her ultrasound picture of her 6.5 week old baby, and knew she could not go back to the abortion facility. As is the Seneca custom, this mother felt so loved and empowered for life, that she even changed the number on our “Babies Saved” board and chose life.

At Seneca, we help the women in that moment in panic. In the fear that they say, “ I can’t” we say “God Can.” -Philippians 4:13 

Many of the women who walk in next door, thinking abortion is their only option, are goal oriented, educated and have plans for their life, but they are afraid. By the grace of God, and with the first loving interactions that our dedicated Sidewalk Advocates provide each weekend, this mother chose life for her baby.  She will now be able to know her second child.

At Seneca, we offer hope. We can relate. We understand each mother’s unique situation, but we hold the faith for the mothers when the fear overwhelms them.  As we journey together, the mothers pick up the faith and find Seneca as a beacon of hope and embrace God’s unique calling for women to be mothers!  We are here on a mission from God to be His hands and feet so that He can save lives, support women in crisis, through prayer, intervention and, ultimately, to make abortion unthinkable.  We humbly beseech you to join us in prayer and fasting at the abortion facility this 40 Days for Life, February 17-March 28th.  Prayer, fasting, and community witness have proven to work...God can save lives!!  He is waiting on our “yes”.

 Sign-up today for 40 Days for Life - TODAY!

If you’re unable to participate at Seneca, perhaps you’ll consider making a donation to support our Spring 40 Days for Life event.

Christopher Snipes