First Fruits Friday - Seneca Sisters

 “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.”

1 John 4:11-12

Seneca Sisters: Love One Another

This weekend, we celebrate Valentine’s Day. While much of the word is focused on chocolate hearts and teddy bears, we are inspired to see the way Sisterly Love is being lived out among our clients. 

At Seneca, we know that experiencing the true and lasting love of Christ can be life-changing. Many of our clients have been hurt in human relationships and struggle to be open to new opportunities for true, Christ-like love, whether that be in their families, marriages, or friendships. One way we walk with clients through the healing process, and help them find the path to healthy relationships, is through our Made Whole Support Group.  

Made Whole meets twice a month. Because of COVID, the support group now meets virtually. On the 2nd Thursday of the month, the clients share their testimonies. On the 4th Thursday of every month, these mamas take a leadership role in teaching practical skills. Examples of these are restoring your credit, setting boundaries, tuning into God's presence, etc. These women support one another in a confidential, wholesome atmosphere.  In this small group, being authentic is a first for many. It has taken time for these clients to cultivate trust in this group, but the time, talk and togetherness has resulted in growth for all of them. These women call themselves the Seneca Sisters.

Recently, two of the Seneca Sisters shared their thoughts during our video call.

"You are all my home. You all care about me and my kids more than my own family. I just love y'all. I miss my Seneca Sisters and wish we could get together. My son saw us on the Made Whole video call and asked why we could not meet in person. He said, "I'll wear a mask". He misses you as much as I do."

"When I was working, I did not cultivate my relationships. In this group, I feel like I can relate to many of the women. When I needed them they were right there. I have been able to talk about my past. This allows others to confront their issues that are similar. I got rid of friends and now I have the Seneca Sisters. They are not bleeding me dry - they just want to talk. The Seneca Sisters propel each other forward."

We are so inspired by how our clients love one another, and blessed to see how Christ’s love is perfected in each of them as they heal, set boundaries, and begin to trust and love with full hearts again. 

We pray this Valentine’s weekend, that we may all experience the true and lasting Love that is found in Christ. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Please consider giving the gift of love this Valentine’s Day.

Christopher Snipes