First Fruits Friday - Hope & Help

At Seneca, our vision is to create a culture of hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received.  

In order to build a culture of hope, faith is a requirement. Faith that Jesus Christ, the Lord of the universe has a plan for all of His flock. Faith in His plan, even when we cannot see or understand it. We take comfort from the story of the woman at the well in John 4:4-42. Jesus meets this woman in the midst of her life; her pain, her doubts. And He uses her entire story, everything she ever did, to heal and change her, and lovingly rekindle the light of hope and faith in her heart. 

Recently, we encountered a mother in great need of hope. When asked how she’d heard about Seneca, she mentioned that she had been next door at the abortion facility, a few years back.  The regret this mother had for her abortion was apparent through the tears in her eyes, but she expressed her gratitude for the love she was shown when she encountered our Sidewalk Advocates. 

When asked about her plans with this new pregnancy, if she was going back next door for another abortion, she said no. She shared more of her story and how God has been working in her life and heart since that day. Once again, she was offered love, free of condemnation, and real help. Together, we cast a vision of how this pregnancy could be different, and shared healing opportunities and a fresh start for this new chapter in her life.  

We know that building a culture of hope takes time.  Healing takes time. Growing faith, especially after experiencing pain or trauma takes time. When people are met in their moment of great despair with unconditional love and offered hope and healing, they remember that love, for years.  Even if they don’t accept the first offer, they often come back the next time.  This is evidence that the peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding approach to Seneca’s Sidewalk Advocacy program is effective. 

Sometimes, we don’t get to see how the seeds of love and kindness planted on someone’s worst day will bear fruit. Sometimes, though, we do. We know that for a mother to come so close to the place where she encountered the death of her unborn baby, but simultaneously remember the feeling of the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, is miraculous. This mother, and so many others, are a story of hope.

We rest in the fact that Seneca’s approach to Sidewalk Advocacy will result in the women and men seeking abortion feeling loved, and thus open the door for future hope and healing. We know that this is only possible when we imitate Jesus and His interaction with those crying out for His saving Grace. Beyond the memory of the love she felt on the sidewalk on the day of her abortion, and into the day she came back to Seneca to ask for help in this subsequent pregnancy, each encounter this client had was an encounter with Christ! By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit works through every person the mothers encounter at Seneca.  From the front desk, to the Sidewalk Advocates, each person she meets, and each person who prays for her, represents the hands and feet of Christ.  This is how we build a culture of hope!

Today, we reflect on John 4:4-42 (;  this beautiful story of the woman at the well and ask ourselves, “how have I contributed to building a culture of hope where the beauty of life is celebrated and healing is received?”

Consider signing up to fast and pray on-site at Seneca for 40 Days for life!!

Sign up today. Questions: contact our Vigil Coordinator: Therese de la Cruz at (586) 722-4152 or email

Christopher Snipes