First Fruits Friday - Walking the Path

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-17

At Seneca, our Case Management clients journey on a path for up to two years after their baby is born. Clients set individual goals, but our overarching goals for all clients are for them to be: safe, healthy and self-sustaining. It is our ultimate prayer that our clients' growth would positively impact not only them, but their families and our community at large. 

One such client is Alex. She has been working with our case manager since she was pregnant with her son. We’re so proud of how she is achieving her goals, and continues to strive to be the best mom she can be and inspire others! Here’s what she had to say the growth and healing she has experienced through Case Management:

“A year ago I was incredibly anxious about the birth of my son. Now,  I deal with things more positively. Spiritually, I was actually scared of God teaching me a lesson with the possibility of a miscarriage. Now, I trust God more. Having my son made me realize that God has me. God is good to us, even when I am not good to him .

Physically, I have lost 101 lbs. Exercise is my outlet. I plan on attending school in January with the ultimate goal of becoming a Respiratory Therapist. My relationship with my husband is closer.

I helped my friend not have an abortion, and I sent two of my friends to Seneca when they were in need. Seneca has been a life changer for me.”

Not only has this client made positive changes in her own life, but God has used her growing faith and confidence to be a light to others. 


This is our prayer for all of our clients, staff, and volunteers. As we work to create a culture of Hope where healing is received, our prayer for all those who come in contact with Seneca is that the Hope and healing they receive will be a light for the world.

In the words of St. Therese of Lisieux, we pray:

“O Jesus, I beg You to draw me into the fire of Your love and to unite me so closely to You that You may live and act in me. The more the fire of Your love consumes my heart, the more frequently shall I cry, ‘Draw me!’ and the more also will those souls who come in contact with mine run swiftly in the sweet odor of Your perfumes, my Beloved.”

Christopher Snipes