First Fruit Friday - Pro-Life Essay by a 14 Year Old

Seneca’s mission, “to make abortion unthinkable through prayer, intervention, and prevention,” is a massive undertaking.  We use many programs to accomplish this mission, but one of which is the “prevention” program.  We offer prevention in many ways including educating youth. Education is an important, but challenging program that Seneca offers to build a culture of hope in our community.  As a graduate of Seneca’s Pro-Life Youth Leadership Camp, this student embraced her understanding of making abortion unthinkable when given the opportunity to write an “argumentative essay”.  She chose the topic of abortion, not the most popular topic for most 8th graders.  For this, we are so proud!! 

 Know that due to the prayers of 40 Days for Life, our community is building a new culture.  The prayers of the faithful in Columbus have given this student courage to share her heart for the love of mothers and their unborn babies.  This essay reflects the truth with love.  We pray this First Fruits Friday blog post inspires you to reflect on your pro-life values as this 14 year old has done so eloquently. Thank you for coming to pray, fast, and witness during these 40 Days for Life.  God is winning!

Abortion Should Be Illegal

  “I get asked this question a lot. Am I really pro-life? Am I against abortion in all circumstances? Yes. Do I believe there are any exceptions for abortion? No. Do you want to make abortion illegal? Yes.” - Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director and now a huge pro-life speaker. (Abby Johnson 2021) Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Roe vs. Wade was the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, that said that abortion could be legal through all nine months of pregnancy, leaving specific legal decisions up to individual state governments. This gave women the misguided and skewed version of an option to have an abortion without the government prohibiting them. Abortion should be illegal because it kills a human being, and it is a violation of the 14th Amendment. 

Abortion kills a human being. Many pro-abortionists say that a fetus is not a human. But the definition of a fetus is, of or relating to a developing animal or human being that is not yet born. (Merriam-Webster 2021) So the fetus is already a human from the moment of conception. Additionally, the definition for the fetus in Latin is, little one, so why would anyone want to kill a little human. (Amber Snipes 2021) The only difference between a human fetus in the womb and a one-year-old baby is its location. No one would want to kill a little one-year-old baby, so why would we want to kill a little baby in the womb. Every year about 619,591 babies are killed by abortions, which means every year 619,591 of God’s little creations are terminated. So abortion kills a little human.

Abortion is a violation of the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment states “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” (Merriam-Webster 2021) As you can see, it says that you can not deprive of any person’s life. Well, the usual comeback for this from a pro-abortion person, would be, a fetus is not a human. However the study of Human Embryology, the only scientific field that specializes in when human life begins, clearly states that human life begins at the moment of fertilization. “A new human being (a human embryo) begins to exist at the beginning of the fertilization process, at FIRST CONTACT of the oocyte and the sperm – a new, individual, whole, living single-cell human being.” This scientific journal proposes that life begins at conception; thus the argument by pro-lifers that life begins later is scientifically not sound. So by knowing this information abortion is killing of an innocent child. As we all know, killing innocent people is illegal. And the taking of life by any means, without due process, is a violation of the 14th Amendment. 

Pro-abortionists may argue that abortion needs to be legal in the case of rape. However, if the child is conceived in rape, it is still a human being. The child should not have to suffer because of this unfortunate situation. Someone may not be ready to have a child, and that is okay. Another alternate for this situation is adoption. There are so many couples that would love to take care of that baby because they can not have children on their own. Also, some people are scared that they will not be able to provide for the baby, so it is better off not to come into this world. But there are many organizations and facilities that will give out free clothes and food. They can also help you learn how to care for your baby more efficiently. So rape is not an excuse to have an abortion. 

In conclusion, abortion should be unthinkable, and illegal. It hurts the little human inside of the woman and it can cause so much emotional heartbreak to mother, fathers, and families. The unborn child is a citizen of the U.S., so it needs to be protected. We need to protect these little ones like we protect extinct animals. If we continue to allow abortion to be legal, our population will decrease significantly. We need to help the ones who can not speak for themselves.”

Christopher Snipes