First Fruits Friday - Hope and a Future

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’…”

It was late spring  when Lisa* found out that she was 6.5 weeks pregnant. Abortion was the most probable solution. As a matter of fact, she had already made an appointment at the abortion facility next door when she came to Seneca.  She was already overwhelmed with the demands of taking care of another child. The house was crowded, and she was dealing with past trauma that had left deep wounds about what love and motherhood looks like. She had never dealt with the hurt, anger, disappointment, and disillusionment she’d felt after each broken heart.  She admitted to being unsure about the pregnancy, mentally depressed and she stated, "I feel like I am crashing”

On top of that, she was so sick that she was losing weight. Seneca helped her with getting nausea medicine.

"How can I be a mom? I am vomiting all of the time and cannot even take care of my six year old. This pregnancy is a surprise. I wanted to be married before having another child." 

Throughout the next couple of months, our volunteer client advocate, Clara Linda, called or met with Lisa every week and supported her with prayers, supplies, and resources. The client told her, "I am happy I came into Seneca." The situation remained touch and go for months. She continued to consider the possibility of an abortion. 

Slowly, Lisa came back to life. By the end of the summer she stated, "I feel good as a person, more confident. I love to travel, hate drama, am outgoing and sociable, but I also keep to myself because I don't trust others." She joined our Seneca Sisters support group and found other women whom she could talk to.

Now, this mom is preparing for her child to enter the world. When asked by the case manager, "What is the difference between when you walked into Seneca and now?" She responded:

 "In the beginning, I was in distress. I did not think I was ready. Ms. Clara Linda uplifted my spirits. Seneca emotionally supported me. My baby began to grow, and now that the father of the baby is with me, I feel less alone."

"We have something to live for now. We want to build ourselves as a family. Now, it all makes more sense as the days go by."

"I am very happy now. I believe God's plan is for us to be a family. I can't wait for my boy to arrive. My daughter is excited, and she helps me around the house. I am still in school and still plan to graduate this year. After I graduate, I want to work in a doctor's office as a medical assistant."

“…‘Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.’”  Jeremiah 29:11-13

In honor of Clara Linda Wilkes

Missionary with the North American Mission Board

Seneca volunteer

*Client name changed for confidentiality 

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