First Fruits Friday - Jesus Take the Wheel

“She was drivin' last Friday on the way to Cincinnati

On a snow-white Christmas Eve

Goin' home to see her mama and her daddy

With the baby in the backseat

Fifty miles to go and she was runnin' low

On faith and gasoline

It'd been a long hard year

She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention

She was goin' way too fast…”

Sometimes, a song, even a popular country hit from the early 2000’s, gives us words to understand what’s happening in our lives. It seems only fitting that this holiday season, (when Christmas Eve indeed falls on a Friday) we found ourselves quoting “Jesus Take the Wheel” with a client in her own crisis situation…

Recently at Seneca, we have seen a significant rise in the number of teen moms that we serve. In addition to being overwhelmed with the pregnancy, they are dealing with academics, family instability and pressure to abort from many of the young fathers.  We recently served a teen mom on the mobile ultrasound unit. We will call her Mary* in honor of Jesus’s mother who was also a very young mother facing difficult circumstances. 

Mary was quiet and only smiled when she saw the baby moving. She later opened up about some of her struggles with strained relationship with family members. She shrugged when asked about how she felt about the baby. Most moms in her situation don't know what to feel.

The grandmother of the baby is depressed and anxious, but excited for the new life. "I don't believe in abortion", she stated.   "But I'm struggling. My child is only a young teen. I am not even sure that I can take care of this baby, much less her.”

The Seneca Case Manager listened. In the beginning of a pregnancy, the Seneca staff listens in order to support. Then up to 3 plans of action are made with the client to scaffold a structure of support so that all involved know that they are loved. It is not simply about saving the baby. Without hope, many women like Mary would not choose life. Through listening and Case Management, these moms know that God is right there with them.

"I will tell you something that is funny,” the grandmother stated. "I was headed somewhere - then I realized that I was not going the way that I was supposed to go; I pulled over, stopped and then I came back home. 

"So you let Jesus take the wheel?" Answered the Case Manager

"I guess I did," she responded.

"So what was Jesus telling you through this incident?" the Case Manager asked.

"Jesus sat me down, slowed me down, hugged me - the holy spirit said that I can do it and Jesus gave me some peace. HE will put me on the right path."

At the end of the conversation, the Seneca staff member asked the grandmother if she would like to pray. This is what she had to say.

"I thank you for Seneca and the ultrasound staff. I thank you for bringing me to this place. And I pray for direction, peace, love and understanding. Thank you for all of your many blessings."

Jesus, take the wheel in all our lives. Help us to surrender to you, especially when we feel lost. We know that you have got us in the palm of your hands.

“Jesus, take the wheel

Take it from my hands

'Cause I can't do this on my own

I'm letting go

So give me one more chance

And save me from this road I'm on

Jesus, take the wheel”

~Carrie Underwood

*Name Changed for Confidentiality

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