First Fruits Friday - Be Anxious About Nothing

In a recent Seneca Sisters support group, we were reflecting on anxiety and what God tells us in scripture.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” 

Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV

Does anyone else find this extremely difficult?

As mothers, there are so many things on our plate. Many of us can begin to feel like we are carrying the burdens alone, struggling to keep our entire world together in our small hands. This can be even harder when experiencing an unexpected pregnancy or struggling through postpartum depression or anxiety.*

I often read that verse and say, “But Lord, you don’t understand. I have so much to do, and time is running out. I don’t feel as well as I could, and that’s slowing me down. Help me, Lord."

When the weight of the world comes upon us, we often worry or experience anxiety. Sometimes the best solution is just bringing that anxiety to the light and sharing with those who love us about how we are feeling. 

Luckily, Seneca clients are offered a safe space, the “Seneca Sisters”, Made Whole Support Group.

During our recent meeting, as we shared about our anxious thoughts. One of the Sisters shared this:.

"I realized I wasn’t doing as well as I thought I was. While I was functioning and completing my tasks, my thoughts were still full of anxiety. At that point, I did what I usually do when I realize I’m stressed out—I started stressing about my stress!”

Just by sharing some of our worries, others acknowledging that sometimes they felt the same, hearing sisters sharing their own solutions and finally, all of us laughing at ourselves for continuing to slip into the trap of stressing about our stress, we all felt better.

Worry is often a spiritual battle. When we worry, we take it all on, instead of surrendering and believing.

Philippians 4 6-7 does not say that there will be nothing in the world to worry about. Instead, it is an invitation to turn our worries into prayer and gratitude. It is a chance to surrender and let God be in charge. 

At the end of our support group, all attendees made a commitment to: 

  1. not worry

  2. pray

  3. surrender

  4. believe

These steps are so simple, but sometimes we need a nudge from others to keep us on track. Please join us in this commitment this holiday season, and pray for our clients as they do the same!

*If you are struggling with anxiety about an unexpected pregnancy or recovering from a recent childbirth experience,  and believe you have a postpartum mood disorder, there is help and hope. 

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