First Fruits Friday - Good News of Great Joy

“And the angel said to them, ‘Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people;  for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”  Luke: 2:10-12

The birth of Christ tells the salvation history for all of our redemption. We are so blessed to witness salvation in action through the amazing donors that support us so we can minister to mothers in need.

When Christ came into the world, many of the circumstances surrounding His birth seemed less than ideal. His parents, Mary and Joseph,  spent those days on a journey with many unexpected circumstances that left them in need of help from strangers. And the first people to celebrate Christ’s birth with them were shepherds who only knew about it because of God’s angels.

The week before Christmas, our Seneca Client Services team was able to help over 20 mothers who are in our Case Management Program ensure Christmas was going to be special this year.

Not unlike the way Mary and Joseph were in need of help from strangers, these mothers were in need of your help. One of our moms chose life during the first week of December. One of the reasons she was considering abortion in the first place was the stress of the financial burden this time of year can bring.  Just before the holidays, Seneca was able to ensure she has power, car payment, and internet access for her work from home job, all because of the generosity of donors who have never met her. 

Many of our clients are Christian, but they need to see the actions of Christians to rekindle their faith. Salvation from our Lord Jesus Christ is the paramount message of Christmas. Our clients have witnessed the way your donations are helping to get them through unexpected twists and turns in their motherhood journey. We are blessed to be the first to celebrate new life with our clients this Christmas season, all while joining the generations of the faithful to celebrate the ‘Good news… Who is Christ the Lord”.

Please consider contributing to further empowering these mothers and make your end of year donation today.

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