First Fruits Friday - You Make Me Brave

There is a popular Christian song out that says "You make me Brave" 

"You make me brave, you make me brave, you call me out beyond the shore into the make me brave, you make me brave, no fear can hinder the promises that you made"

"For you are for us; you are not against us. Champion of heaven, you make a way to let us in."*

We believe that God uses Seneca to minister to all who enter, whether clients, volunteers, staff, or community members. Each of us needs Christ to make us brave. For our clients, it’s to accept the call to cooperate with God’s plan for a new life to enter our world. For our volunteers, it’s to accept the chance to serve even when it’s hard or sheds light on our own wounds. 

But when Christ calls us out beyond the shore and into the waves, He also meets us there. 

Because of this, we know that Seneca and Pregnancy centers throughout the country are not simply places to give and receive baby supplies or even to stop an abortion. Pregnancy centers are a place to meet Christ.

Still, we want our clients to not only encounter Christ at Seneca, but build a strong relationship with Him and get connected to a community of faith.

Many of our clients have experienced deep hurt from church in the past. Some clients have NEVER been introduced to Jesus before they come to Seneca..

 As with anything at Seneca, though, we do not ask our clients to go to a new church alone. Many clients are simply in need of a friendly face to help them overcome the nerves before heading into a new church. To help make them brave, we offer our Case Management Clients a chance to meet with Church Liaisons to attend church. 

Another way help our clients encounter Christ is through Embrace Grace, a bible study specially designed for pregnant Moms. This bible study is hosted by local “pro-love” churches and empowers our clients to find their spiritual footing through the life transition called motherhood. 

Is God calling you to go out beyond the shore into the waves? Has he been nudging you in the area to be a light and love for others? If so, will you consider being YOUR church's liaison for our clients? Or is God asking you to lead a bible study at your church? It is a 6 week, online study with a discussion with set questions. 

God makes us all brave, and we each have a roll to play in His plan to bring His sheep home! Will you take the next step in volunteering your time with us? Contact Karen at for more information.

*“You Make Me Brave” By Bethel Music and Amanda Cook

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