First Fruits Friday: Defining Our Worth


Where does our worth and value come from?  From our role as mothers, friends, sisters,  co-workers, daughters, people?  It’s a big question for many of us, and we are redefining the answer to this question regularly.  Society will say your value comes from what you produce, contribute, how you look, or what you achieve.  Is this truly where we find lasting and authentic fulfillment?  I’d say for a period of time, the achievements and the feelings we have of accomplishment or what we contribute to the world give us a degree of satisfaction.  When we produce a child, that is so fulfilling.  When we make a contribution to our work to help a customer or improve a system, we feel good.  When we look pretty or accomplish a goal, like finishing school, it gives us temporary satisfaction.  All these help us feel good about ourselves and what we are doing for mankind, temporarily.

However, when seeking fulfillment in the eyes of the world, there’s always something more we are looking for.  Someone else is always better at their job, a more successful parent, prettier, skinner, more trendy, has a better job, their kids go to a better school, has a nicer car (or just has a car), has a better house (or just has a house).  From the perspective of society, someone else always has it better than we do, no matter what we’ve accomplished or no matter where we are in our state in life.

Why is there a gap?  Why do we still desire more?  Why are we constantly seeking and searching for a deeper meaning or deeper satisfaction in life?

The gap is a hole in each of our hearts that only Jesus Christ can fulfill.  Regardless of our job, our bank account, our house or car, none of that matters to Christ.  He sees us for our true and authentic selves.  Quite the opposite of the way the world sees us.  He yearns for us to see Him authentically too; for us to fill the gaps in our hearts with His love!  He waits patiently for us to become dissatisfied with the world so that we can approach Him and the throne of grace with repentance, ask for forgiveness, accepting His will for our lives and knowing deep in our souls that our value and worth come from HIM, our Lord Jesus Christ.


This is a goal within our Case Management program: helping our clients know their value, dignity, and worth in Christ Jesus; helping them see that they truly are perfect in the eyes of the Lord.  In ministry, it is sometimes difficult to measure success, as we are dealing with human beings, and the human condition is tricky.  But recently, it was our Case Manager's birthday, and our clients responded with words of encouragement and love to reflect back the love they’ve been given over the last 18 months.

“I wanted to tell you Happy Birthday and that I hope your birthday is a blessed day for you because that's exactly what you've been to me... a blessing. Yes, I am so grateful for everything Seneca has done for me, but I'm especially thankful for YOU. I've always wanted someone that would hold me accountable and push me to be better and love me unconditionally and you have been an answer to those prayers. Sometimes you have to stop and really look at what all God has blessed you with and how much He truly loves me to have people in place to show the Love of HIM! Unconditional, pure love. I believe that we (as clients) miss that a lot of the time... someone who truly cares with no strings attached.. we give and give and give to our children and to everyone else and lack being poured into ourselves and that's where you have really come in and loved on us... made us see our worth and value as a person and as a child of God and I wanted to make sure you are poured into on your special day and hope that you feel just as worthy and valued as you remind us that we are because you truly are God sent!”

Another Client shared:

“Happy Birthday!!  There are unfortunately very few people in this world that truly love others and want to help others discover their best selves. Lucky for me, you are one of those people. We, as Seneca Sisters are blessed to have you in our lives, someone that whole-heartedly wants the best for us and will strive to be our advocate even when we don't want to or can't see it. 

As you know, I have not had many people offer me a hand up or even just emotional support. In the last year and a half I am leaps and bounds from who I was when we first met.  You encouraged me to follow my career goals, even when I was too stubborn to apply. You showed me that love is not something that is conditional or contingent upon what I can offer.  In my 30 years I actually never knew that, until I met you and the Seneca organization.  You also have taught me to be a better mother by being good to myself, and that is not a message we hear too often.  

There are few people that we run into in life that will completely change our path for the better, and redirect us.  You have been that for me, and my children and I will forever be grateful. You have shown me that God's love is real, and I am starting to embark on that journey.  

Happy Birthday Monica! You make a difference everyday and all of us Seneca Sister's present and future appreciate everything you have given us and our children!”

In our weakness we are made stronger when we surround ourselves with people who believe in the power and grace of the love of Jesus Christ.  When others speak life into us, we feel the love of Christ.  His invisible love is made manifest through others seeing our authentic selves.  The fulfillment we are seeking in the world subsides and we rest in the fulfillment of Christ.  Knowing that He has our best interest in mind and the people He places in our lives are His hands and feet.

A tribute to our Case Manager, Monica Cobis, these clients have expressed their knowledge of value, worth, and dignity because of Monica reflecting the authentic love of Christ Jesus.  Her work to help mothers feel loved as a child of God is counter to the culture, the world, and society.  Monica empowers mothers in her work giving them a hand-up when they are in need, just as Christ would do when He was here on Earth.  We are all so blessed to be part of the Seneca family, but our clients are especially blessed for the authentic love of Christ that Monica shows to them and they in turn show her!!